Scratching my upper butt-crack causes sharp pain in the tip of my penis

In my years of ass-scratching, I’ve noticed that when I vigorously scratch the very top of my butt crack, I get a sharp pain in the tip of my penis.

What the heck is this? Some kind of short circuit of my nervous system?

Any of you guys experience this too? Any women experience something similar, like pain in the clitoris?

Well, you accomplished one thing, I did scratch my butt to find out. Sorry, didn’t feel any pain though.

Kee-rist! This is probably the funniest topic title I’ve ever seen. And I can also picture people all over the world reading this and checking themselves out.

But, in response to your question…

Nope. I can scratch and feel no pain in the peep.

[feeling he’s gonna regret responding]I get the same thing when I root my finger around in my belly button.[/feeling he’s gonna regret responding]
Perhaps, a better question is, why does touchin one part of your body result in sensation in other parts.
(Good GOD, I should have worded that differently.)

JMcC, San Francisco, JJM’s page from the Bay
Q. What did Bill Gates’ wife say on their honeymoon?
A. Microsoft, huh? No kidding.

Ha Ha!!! Gotcha!! I just want everybody’s fingers to smell funny!!!

Seriously, I think I’ve had the same sensation from the belly button like jjtm describes. Can’t reproduce it now, though.

I don’t think it’s unheard of for the nervous system to “short”. Some people (my dad included) sneeze when they suddenly are exposed to a lot of sunlight. I’ve heard one explanation for this is that the signal following the nerve pathway from the eyes to the brain bleeds into the pathway from the nose, tricking the brain into thinking something’s up in the shnozz.

And I thought I was a freak after my urination question… I always forget I’m in good company with the teeming millions. Thanks, people.

“Ha Ha!!! Gotcha!! I just want everybody’s fingers to smell funny!!!”

Wow, if only you knew how hard I laughed at that one! ROFL! This thread is hilarious!!! :slight_smile:

“I am diagonally parked in a parallel universe.”

LOL, for real, and I’m still doing it, and I don’t laugh!

No, I DID NOT check!

Now, will Nickrz please escort this thread to MPSIMS?

Sounds like you need a new ass, Revtim… your old one has a crack in it.

so you found a girl who thinks really deep thoughts. what’s so amazing about really deep thoughts? Tori Amos


When the tip of my penis itches I find it to be a pain in the ass…does that count?

cornflakes, this is NOT an MPSIMS thread, my questions are

  1. Why does this happen?
  2. Am I the only one this happens to?

Perfectly valid scientific issues, I believe. They just so happen to involve naughty bits that many find amusing.

Off the top of my head, I think it’s called “sympathetic pain” or something like that. I think that a person having a heart attack feels pressure in his or her arms, for example, and someone with kidney problems might have pain in their knees. Or so I’ve heard.


I’m guessing it’s the same reason watching The Blair Witch Project or playing 3D games like Quake will make me motion-sick. Stomach reacting to the eyes.

I think that sick feeling in your stomach while watching The Blair Witch Project was the realization that you wasted 8 bucks and 2 hrs of your life on the dumbest, cheesiest movie ever.

so you found a girl who thinks really deep thoughts. what’s so amazing about really deep thoughts? Tori Amos

I thought it was called “referred pain”. I dunno. Maybe you ass-grabbers can wait a while until a medical-type shows up to explain. :slight_smile:

If I wanted smoke blown up my ass, I’d be at home with a pack of cigarettes and a short length of hose.

[shamefull confession]I can’t believe that I actually scratched my ass just to see if Little Diceman would feel anything unusual. [/shamefull confession]

Excuse me, while I go wash my index finger…

“I had a feeling that in Hell there would be mushrooms.” -The Secret of Monkey Island

Scratch scratch scratch hmm… Nope.

On a related note, I once stepped on a nail and got a searing pain in my eye. Go figure.

Just don’t do it during the sermon, Rev.

*Revtim: In my years of ass-scratching, I’ve noticed that when I vigorously scratch the very top of my butt crack, I get a sharp pain in the tip of my penis. *

Well, don’t scratch your ass with the tip of your penis! :slight_smile:

I tried it your way, and my whole penis hurt!

AWB, did you forget the KY?