Screw France

Can I fuck Laetitia Casta?


Pretty please?

Pretty please with a well-aged fromage and a glass of Bourdeaux magnum?

Only if I get Vanessa Paradis, before the drugs made her haggard.


  1. Groundskeeper Willie, not Homer, uttered the phrase “cheese-eating surrender monkeys.”

  2. Ottawa is the capital of Canada, not Montreal.

Please continue.

I’d so fuck France. France is hot.

No, she loves me, I swear. The hottest woman EVER. Oh my God.

Oh, God yes. I bet she didn’t wear underpants.


I you can do that, then I want Brigitte Bardot circa 1963!

If*, God damn it, bloody If!

Too late mousieur fromage, I called “Le dibs!”

Bardot? would you really want Serge Gainsbourgs used goods? I mean, class musician, but I wouldn’t dip my spoon in his porridge, so to speak.

I said circa 1963.

Congratulations to Twisty, for possibly the most revolting mental image ever created on this message board.

Now if you’ll excuse me I’m off to snort bleach.

I’d have to agree. I’ve been to France just recently, and was much impressed with some of the beauties I saw. I was also expecting them to be tres chic in their fashion, but they dressed like a Gap store exploded 10,000 feet overhead.

ah, on investigation I see that Serge didn’t dip his wick into Bardot until 66-67.

So, :stuck_out_tongue:
Oh, and le dibs on Catherine Deneuve.

I’ll take Emmanuelle Seigner, please. Well, as long as we’re choosing up. I mean, we can’t depend on the OP to do it all by himself; we all have to do our duty.

So, the essence of the OP’s message is “make love, not war”. Thanks k2dave, that’s a beautiful sentiment.

Glad we got that sorted. Now, mon petit choux, voulez-vous cette boeuf Irlandais? C’est tres fraiche.

With or against? What to make of the Swiss then?

I am against… can I chose what American will screw me? Is Will Smith available?

choose… I meant choose. Darn.

And Italian is the loveliest of them all. Even getting cursed out in Italian sounds good.

For the last time dimwits, if one American says something, that does not make him/her the spokesperson for all 250 million of us.

Also, this is so fucking tired already.