Screw "media bias" how about "law enforcement bias?"

Here, read this.

So according to the Abramoff connected, Karl Rove vetted US Attorney Troy Eid, several men with white supremacist ties, toting stolen guns, bulletproof vests, disguises, meth and fake ID’s who state out loud they’re planning to assassinate a candidate for president are “…no credible threat to the candidate, the Democratic National Convention, or the people of Colorado.” Never mind an FBI agent investigating the situation thinks they’re conspiring to assassinate Obama. The suspects are charged only with gun and drug possession offenses.

On the other hand an incarcerated black inmate of a Colorado county jail (who’s been locked up for the past 11 months on unrelated charges) who sends a threatening letter to a McCain campaign office “containing powder,” which was subsequently determined to not actually contain enough powder to give a positive identification (let alone identification as something hazardous) spurs Eid to thunder: “We won’t stand for threats of this kind in Colorado. A death threat is not a legitimate form of political expression.” The incarcerated inmate may still be charged with threatening McCain by mail could get five years in jail and a quarter million dollar fine.

No bias in favor of the Republicans, right? No cronyism, no special treatment for those who are on “the right side?” Guns, ammo and a clear statement of intent to kill are dismissed out of hand, while a vaguely threatening letter from a guy who’s been in jail for almost a year causes a full scale hazmat freakout and threats to bring down the full force of THE LAW.

Yeah, folks, nothing to see here, move along. It’s merely justice as usual in the good old USA. :rolleyes:

Why do you hate America?

Hey, my post ^^^ is my cite! :stuck_out_tongue:

What, no republican apologists gonna come in here and tell me I’m all fulla shit and there’s no bias at all and envelopes with imaginary powder are really a bigger and more credible threat than guns? Man, I am sorely disappointed in y’all…

<certain SDMB Poster>

… sticks fingers in ears… "lalalaalallaala can’t hear you… lalalalallala

media bias!
media bias!
media bias!


</certain SDMB Poster>

sometimes the more cogent a point you have, the deeper the silence…

Outrage burnout.

Because guns don’t kill people; unidentified white powder kills people.

I love it! If no one gives you an argument and consequently the opportunity to slam them, you simply construct what you wish they would have said so you can slam them anyway. It’s so deliciously mastubatory.

What can I say, ma’am, I’m a natural born wanker! :smiley:

EP, can I admit I was expecting/hoping for a visit from said poster without seeming trollish? :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously, though, it gave me a nearly terminal case of :smack::smack::smack::smack::smack:

I believe Eid’s exact words were “They’re just good ol’ boys. . . never meanin’ no harm.”

I admit that was the most interesting news story to come out of the DNC. I almost started a thread on it but thought I’d leave it to someone more prompt and well-spoken than I. I’m shocked it took a week and a half (not prompt) and SmartAleq, (more than my equal) to bring it up. It was (how can I say this politely?) ABSOLUTELY FUCKING AMAZING THE US ATTY AND THE MSM BLEW THIS OFF!