Why does the edit window let you make and submit your edit and THEN tell you it’s too late. It already knew that when I opened the edit window. Maybe there should be a clock or timer that ticks down the seconds left to make an edit so you don’t waste your time editing when it’s too late. Why is there a 5 minute time limit on edits? Why shouldn’t I be able to correct a misspelling 10 or 15 minutes later?
You can open the edit window when there’s still time on the clock, but it runs out before you complete the edit. A timer would be nice, but you only have a short window so you should act quickly regardless.
We used to have no edit window. Over time a 5 minute (I thought it was 15 already) was introduced. If people just used it to correct spelling errors it would be fine, but people would change bad comments or arguments after people had responded, leading to chaos. So a time limit for minimal typo edits and missing comments is allowed, but only for a short time.
If you are making a lot of errors like that it may pay to compose in a Word window and then copy/paste it all into the thread.
The edit window is 15 minutes.
Thanks. I guess I lose track of time sometimes.
My solution is to edit in small bites. Move a sentence, hit submit. move another sentence, hit submit.
If I realize partway into the edit that I’m doing a complete restructuring then I C&P what I’m working on into a scratchpad, reset my post to [Never mind, ran out of edit]" and submit that. Then compose a fresh post & get that second one much closer to done before I submit.
And yes, I often come back for one last edit or typo fix and get the “Sorry Charlie; you missed the edit window” message. Dang!
I feel that a longer edit window would just make people more lax because they know they have a lot of leeway. Let’s face it, there will always be someone who wants it to be “just a little bit longer”. I think 15 minutes is fine.
If you notice a typo or something minor after the edit window has expired, flag the post and let us know. We’ll fix it for you.
We will not make substantial changes or content changes though. You have 15 minutes for those types of changes, and that’s it.
As I said to Coding_Horror once:
Thanks, I didn’t know that, and may use it someday.