SDMB is so hostile these days (not just the pit)

Things can definitely get a bit rough-and-tumble around here, but I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that people are often talking about things that are both important and controversial. (And yes, “important” is such a wonderfully relative term. Important to the posters, at the very least.) Words are likely to become heated in such a context.

Of course, on the other end of the spectrum are those who will snipe with tongue planted firmly in cheek. Naturally, I would never stoop to kicking one of those poor, wimpy New Englanders when he (or she) is down. It’s not their fault they think they have winters. :smiley:

As to the hijack: I have no prayers to offer, Libertarian, but you have my best wishes and fervent hopes. Hang in there.

Well, if that’s the yardstick we’re using, then the Canadians are definitely the smartest. We live someplace that’s winter nine months of the year. No, waitaminnit, that didn’t come out right…
(Eddyetal is a broad?!?Who knew?)

I was wondering when a Minnesotan would come sledding in with such chest-beating pride in his winters. I don’t suppose it’s occurred to you that New Englanders, experiencing tough but not horrendous winters, not to mention sometimes hot and humid but not brutally enervating summers, have culled the herd to eliminate both those too feeble to survive, and those too dumb to realize that settling in areas subject to such extremes of climate is silly? Much smarter to live where there’s just enough summer and winter miseries to make the majority of the year so delightful. :stuck_out_tongue:

Which I guess takes care of featherlou, too. :wink:

ThatGuy I’m sure I have seen it being worse, as in more vitriolic, and more personal. I should think most messge boards have fits when all hell breaks loose, really. Admittedly, some things that ought to have been discussing recent events lately have got reather overheated, but… they do, I suppose.

Things are said here that would merit a telling-off on other message boards where I am a moderator, but that is the point, isn’t it? Different board = different social group, and observing the accepted manners of that social group? I do think there are limits on the SDMB, and those arestrictly observed. Observed by the mods, that is, who are ever vigilant, not necessarily by those who occasionally arrive only to make waves.

Libertarian - I feel intrusive, as you do not know of me, (but I have read many posts from you) but I must say I had no idea about the MS possiblity, and I am very sorry to hear of it. Not least beasue I have the impression that the tests are what medics might refer to as causing some “discomfort”, and the rest of the human race would describe rather more forcefully. My very best wishes about this. :slight_smile:

Welcome to “You Asked For It”! Today’s first contestant is dinoboy, panelists. Anyone care to start?

ETF: I’ll do the honors, Don.

:: clears throat ::

dinoboy, you are a fetid cesspool of sophists’ sewage. Your reach exceeds your grasp of concepts a demented dingo could decipher. You lurch through life with the gracefulness of a three-legged giraffe on meth. The sign you were born under was so bad, the devil has posted it on the road to Hell. Your miasma precedes you by a country mile – upwind.

:: bows to applause ::

Will that do? :smiley:

Lib, another pair of fingers crossed for you. My bro-in-law’s Dad had severe MS and it sucked, majorly. Hopefully you ain’t got it, or if you have, they nail it good and early, and I guess there’s more to be done about it now than 25 years ago.

hunts around for “prayer” smilie, can’t find it…

Ok, I will confess. The hostility in my posts is a reflection of my frustration due to my very small penis. Yes, I even have to wear thick lenses to magnify my penis and even then I have difficulty finding it. I just don’t know what I can do about it. I have searched the Internet but there is just nothing about how to enlarge a small penis. Believe me, it is very frustrating because I am sure my life would improve dramatically if I had a bigger penis. I wish there was more information out there about penis enlargement. They should even send information anonimously by email for those of us who are too shy to ask but no such luck. Please understand that the hostility in my posts is just a cry for help from someone who is desperate to have a bigger penis. Thank you for your understanding and support. Don’t blame me; blame my penis.

You are certainly welcome to your opinion. It would be lovely indeed if it had any basis in fact, but that is clearly not required on this board.

Siege, my suggestion would be either to ignore people who incite such feelings in you, or to ask them what part of what they are saying is meant to show (assuming, in this case, that I’m guessing right) God’s love. Some, of course, believe that showing God’s hate is more useful, and after a point there isn’t a lot you can do with them short of appreciating the fact that they make you try to be a better person. And that’s usually a noble and useful pursuit.

I find it a violation of the rules and DEMAND a moderator move this syrupy crap to a more appropriate forum!


I am hostile for the exact same reason: sailor’s tiny penis. Since I’ve never even met sailor, I don’t know why I find it so upsetting, but I do. Just the thought of his itty bitty little winky makes me angry and irrational, and I take it out on every newbie I see.

Don’t hate me, hate sailor’s penis.

Everybody hates my penis :frowning:
This is so depressing.
I am going to do a round of the threads and bitchslap some newbies now.
That’ll teach them

It’s the same reaction as you’d expect from someone if you give them a flyer for a charity event and say “I know you probably don’t care.” They’ll make sure to hold onto it for some time, to convince you and themselves that they’re not bad people, or at least aren’t so predictable.

(zoogirl stands poised on the edge. She has on her asbestos suit, moonboots and flame retardant hood. Taking a deep breath, she leaps!

Landing just at the edge of a flaming pool of invicitive,she picks her way carefully. Spotting her quarry, she deftly sidesteps an issue, ducks a nasty jab and finally stands before him.)

Hey, Lib, I sure hope you’ll be okay! Prayer already said, best wishes already sent.

Hmmm…maybe “Hey you big loser, I hope the doctors are able to help you so that you’ll be able to post in comfort again, because I’m looking forward to continuing to disagree with you!” Maybe you could throw in some swearing, too.

Oh and Lib, you big loser, I hope the doctors are able to help you so that you’ll be able to post in comfort again, because I’m looking forward to continuing to disagree with you.

(See what a hostile bunch we are?)

Impressive ETF, I am taking notes…

Hmm, how many S’s in cesspool?

(regarding the hijack…)

Best wishes, Lib.

Sometimes you make me crazy, but you’re a good man, and it wouldn’t be the same around here without you.

Yesterday’s tests were inconclusive, and therefore we’re optimistic. I was punched, prodded, stuck with pins and sticks, pushed, pulled, and hammered. I had to play a sort of patty-cake with the doctor. I had to touch my nose and then touch her moving finger. I had to attempt to overcome her pressure against everything from my neck to my toes.

Her gut instinct is that the various symptoms — dizzy spells, trembling hand, numb left leg, painful right leg, occipital anamolies — although classically indiciative of MS, are in my case a bizarre confluence of coincidences. She has ordered MRIs of my brain and back. I am also to begin physical therapy. I have five appointments with three doctors and the PT over the course of the next month.

She prescribed a six day treatment of Prednisone along with Percocets that had already been prescribed for pain. The Prednisone is apparently a strange drug with which you have to be very careful. It is a steroid (corticosteroid) that is used for a variety of purposes, but in my case is used to reduce inflamation. It begins with massive dosages throughout the first day, and then tapers off day by day until it’s finished. I’m told that were I suddenly to stop taking it, I might have symptoms akin to heroin withdrawal.

I just want to let Gobear and others know that the most frustrating thing about MS and MS-type illnesses is the outward appearance of normality while inside us are raging the storms of Jupiter. You cannot see our numbness, our dizziness, our excruciating pain. Yes, we can function. Other than the most severe cases of progressive MS, we are not debilitated. But every movement is a crap shoot that we dread because it could be the movement that makes us feel like we’re being stabbed in the leg by Lizzy Borden. Mornings are the worst. We’ve already been awakened several times througout the night with pain, and moving out of bed is a harrowing and tortuous exercise. So, although someone might appear to be getting along well, they have in fact merely resigned themselves to what they are forced to endure. More than 60% of MS sufferers are clinically depressed.

Just FYI. Thanks again for the well wishes, support, and prayer. :slight_smile:

You may not know me from Adam, but based on your posts in this thread, I’ve decided I’m madly and devotedly in love with you gentlemen.

(Hope all goes well for Lib. Touch wood.)

How ironic.

Ackkkk! How did you know!? :eek: