SDMB Monthly Photo Competition - rolling discussion thread

Can’t the mods clean it up.

Yeah I agree but… finding an animal to photograph in February (in the UK) would have been a tough ask*. Water in March… easier. I submitted archive last month, and was frustrated with myself.

For a while now I’ve been on the point of suggesting that we run two contests in parallel - one for archive and one for new. But it sounds like the admin for one contest is more than enough work.


* - My attempted solution to this - feral cats in Athens - was embarrassingly bad.

Hi BetsQ. Very nice photo. If you meant this for the competition, the thread for that is here:

Yeah, I’m in the UK. Water hasn’t been in short supply.

I’ve thought about this as well. When I first canvassed opinion about starting this, I floated the idea of putting a limit on how old the pics could be, and there was strong opposition to it - and it’s clear most people are posting old photos (which is fine).

Maybe we could do a quarterly competition for new pics alongside the monthly regular ones - would be interesting to see how many we get.

Thanks @wolfpup, I appreciate you saying this. On the one hand, I want this to be fun and I don’t want to be heavy on the rules - but on the other, it does make life easier if we keep the photos thread for entries only.

I have a secondary photo I was considering for this month’s contest, very similar to that one submitted by @minor7flat5, but it was too much like the one I submitted a couple months ago…

So I went in a different direction this time - altho both this photo and the one officially submitted are of the same lake (Lake Natoma, Folsom, CA).

Re the archive vs current argument, it might make sense to set aside a month for the annual get out and take some pictures contest. Perhaps August, being a mild month in the northern hemisphere, don’t know about the folks down under. And maybe the topic would need to be open. Flora, fauna and outdoor activities are seasonal and the seasons are not consistent worldwide.

So, how about August is open topic/current photo month - or some variation.

OTOH I believe archive has been successful at displaying what we have done over time.

Laughs in Texan

Yikes! Thank you! I will blame my frustration with Imgur for posting in the wrong place.

Does @Sam_Stone’s entry remind anyone else of the old Thames Television ident?

I bailed and used archive again this month. I’m really frustrated with myself - just couldn’t take a photo worth looking at this month - and that in a country awash with water. Grrr.


I was just thinking I should have gone out and taken a photo this month – with all the “atmospheric rivers” hitting California we have plenty of water. I haven’t been out by Folsom Dam recently, but I would bet at least some of the floodgates are open. That could make for an interesting “waterfall” picture.

In the March water competition OP we have:

Submission deadline: 9pm GMT on Wednesday 22nd March 2023

Voting deadline: 9pm GMT on Monday 29th March 2023

Is the voting deadline Wednesday the 29th or Monday the 27th ?

Apologies if this has been addressed already and thanks for creating these contests!

Dang, I have some really good pictures saved! But I want to only use new ones for the other thread. So I won’t post this one:

I absolutely admire your determination, and I promise I’ll follow your example and do the same myself this coming month. No more excuses.


The first deadline is for putting a picture in the contest thread. The second deadline is for voting on the pictures in the by then closed thread.

I think the confusion comes from the fact that the 29th March 2023 falls on a Wednesday, not a Monday. I suspect our organizer copy/pasted the boilerplate verbiage from the previous contest and updated the dates, but forgot to update the day of the week for that one. If I remember correctly the previous contests allowed one week for voting.

Well, thank you for the kind words! Because I’m kicking myself right now. :smile:

Let’s reach an accommodation. Next month you kick me and I’ll kick you. :wink:


Good spot. The date is correct, not the day. The voting deadline is Wednesday 29th.