SDMB Monthly Photo Competition - rolling discussion thread

Yeah, sorry. Tonight!

  If I don’t get anything better, I already have a picture that might do very well for this theme.

  But I’m thinking of trying to get something with @Seanette snuggled up with one cat, or maybe even both, if I can get the cats to cooperate.

I expect to see a lot of cat pictures this month…

Yeah, my current possibility is also a cat picture!

So technically it’s now tomorrow here in the UK, but only by a few minutes. Thread is up.

Yay, thank you!

Yep, cats all the way down

My runner up for the contest is my brother’s dog, but I figured it couldn’t compete with all the (alleged) cat photos that are (allegedly) coming…

If it helps, I don’t have a cat (or a dog). So I’m going to have to be creative.

The forbearance of the proactive posters has been exemplary.

I weep.

Sorry, it’s gotta be a cat. I really don’t think I’m going to see anything cozier this month. :smiley_cat:

Made a pot of tea yesterday afternoon and was going to take a pic of the pot with its cozy.

@Aspenglow, I clicked on your photostream and enjoyed all your pictures of the beloved animal. :grin:

LOL, see? He exists!! :smiley:

C’mon - I didn’t have cold last month and I haven’t got a cat this month. Or a dog. It’s going to be a struggle.



@Dogginit, orange cats are on my bucket list.

Both were accidents - had to come home from work one day early, Mrs. Dogginit heard a cat mewing from our crawl space. Came home figuring I’d have to euthanize a wild cat, came out of the crawl space, right into my arms, into Mrs. arms, that was the end. The younger came walking into our shop one morning while I was talking with one of my fabricators - maybe 6 weeks old. Came right to me, took him home to Mrs. that morning, they’ve been a pair ever since. Morris is 2-1/2, Nugget is a bit over a year now.

ETA: Don’t know how cats know cat haters, I am one, but both came to me, and Mrs. gets upset in the evenings because Nugget prefers my lap to hers :face_vomiting:

That pic is just gorgeous - reminds me of the terrier laying in front of the wood stove we no longer have (the stove, not the terrier :smile:)

Sure you are. :grin: