SDMB Photo Assignment 3: Photos Due March 1!

that worked. But it must be the lighting, because the bear looks red to me. I love teddy bears, and other stuffies.

theres a cough purple ribbon on the gift the bear is holding??


I don’t know how I missed this. I’ll take mine this weekend. Thanks for posting it - I love these threads.

lol ok so thats a stretch… for some reason purple is hard for me to find… i’ll keep trying.

Hal Briston, your “Wake Up” is killing me with the cute!

And I love the side of jackalope’s house. I like the house and I like the photo.

I’ve had my digital camera about six months. It took me that long to master the advanced setting of “flash” and “no flash.” I look forward to learning about its other features in the coming decades.

I liked the STARK REALISM of an actual pile of work sitting on my desk, which also happens to be purple.

Over on LiveJournal, some friends and I were sharing examples of our handwriting. When I was trying to set up my paper in some good light to take a photo, someone else just had to get into the act. But then I figured it would be a good photo to use for words.

When I first wake up, I see the wall above the bed. This is taken from the POV of a person in bed who does not want to get up and is staring up at the ceiling in hopes that sheer force of will can prevent the alarm clock from going off again.

For my choice I took a picture of something I see every day.

I must tell you West 4th Street and vicinity is my absolute favorite neighborhood. Tell me, what did they do with the space that used to be The Bottom Line?

It’s a now a tricked out NYU lecture hall, very state of the art and all that. I took a Red Cross training class there, and it’s quite nice although you would never know it used to be the Bottom Line.

Five Minutes (he sleeps on my face)
I like these words

Something Purple.

The first thing I see in the morning. She makes sure of that.

Words (to the wise).

My choice.

I’ve already posted to this thread once, but it’s a boring winter Saturday so I thought I would try it again.

The color purple - Can anyone guess what this is?

Within 5 minutes of waking -I wake up thirsty.

Words - I didn’t know this was a problem.

Photographers Choice 2.0 - Love birds (actually lorikeets).

I burst out laughing when I opened this picture! :smiley: Too funny.

OK, here are my efforts, taken specifically for this project as directed.


5 minutes after waking


Photog’s choice

…and a bonus pic, all three of this month’s subjects in one image.

I’d like to set up the next thread. Is that okay?

What the heck, i’ll give it a try (are Potatoshop edits okay? :wink: )

The color purple;
a photoshop edited one;
the original one, i just changed one color… :wink:

Ok, here are mine.

The Color Purple - self-explanatory. I also made the pillowcase underneath the example!

Within five minutes of waking up - every time I wake up in the winter I look out the window to see if it’s doing this

Photographer’s choice - this is one of a matched set hanging over my entertainment center in the living room.


Sorry this is sorta behind, but here’s mine:

Purple sign!

Mmm… words.

Waking up, I spy our sink…

A cemetery in the middle of a field west of the city.


Here’s some purple, taken this afternoon, which has apparently been forgotten after the holidays.

The words (or, more properly, the word) in this photo are also purple. Bonus points!

I’m personally impressed that within five minutes of waking up I was able to both find my camera and compose a somewhat artistic shot.

I’ve been pretty prolific with my photography this month, but I’m going to call this shot my favorite . They look so lonely, way up there!

I’m inexplicably drawn to this picture. Maybe it’s the light. But I swear that tape dispenser’s preening for the camera.

I say go ahead - not that I have any particular authority or anything.

Perhaps if other people want to volunteer for future months, we could keep a list.