SDMB URL on Chicago Reader's Homepage

The front page of the Chicago Reader has a link to the SDMB, but it’s not the URL I’m familiar with. It’s another one that forwards to

I’m just curious, but what the heck is that? Ultimate.cgi? It makes me think of ninjas.

Wow… brings back mem’ries…

The SDMB used to be powered by “Ultimate BB” software, but was replaced by the current “vBulletin” software a few years ago. (I won’t even try to guess when exactly.) The URL you mentioned is where the board was located with the UBB software.

Wasn’t that like, four years ago? I’m fairly sure it was before I registered. They haven’t updated the page since then?

I also have to say, I like the new URL much better.

The switch to vBulletin was in August of 2000, wasn’t it?

I’m pretty sure it was afetr I registered, but it may have been before. I don’t know when I registered in relation to when I started lurking.

I believe it was May of something, and it certainly wasn’t earlier than 2000, since I remember it.

Okay, well I’m certainly willing to believe that it happened while I wasn’t paying attention, but it seems like this would be an easy thing to find out, wouldn’t it?