Search function not working

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 9 bytes) in /home/straightdope/ on line 1007

From time to time I see a similar response but a repeat search, following 5 minutes of profound angst and thumb twiddling, generates more acceptable results.

Search at 6:31:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 9 bytes) in /home/straightdope/ on line 1007

134,217,728 bytes = 128 megabytes, which is, IIRC, the default max memory usage allowed by php scripts in php.ini.

Search at 6:46, with no computer use since 6:31:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 9 bytes) in /home/straightdope/ on line 1007

What are your search terms?

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Username: Muffin
Keywords: World Health Organization
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That was happening occasionally to me not long after going to the new server, but hasn’t happened recently. There were some previous threads about this issue, but even if you could search for them I don’t think you’d find any solutions.

This is curious.

If you search on “health” you get 84 hits, “health organization” yields 13 hits and “world health organization” produces an error.

You’ve probably lost interest by now, though.

I just tried the search using only World rather than World Health Organization:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 9 bytes) in /home/straightdope/ on line 1007

I’ll have to try something other than World tomorrow and see if I can search successfully.

If true, this is very troubling, since “health” should have produced thousands of hits.

I just tried Health and was given four pages of hits going back to 2002. Yay!

I’ll wait a while and try Organization later.

That went well – searching for Organization returned a couple of pages of my posts.

I’ll wait a while and try World again to see if I can get a proper return on that term.

The search was for “health” as a keyword with the username “Muffin”.

Ah crap, I just tried World Health Organization again, and it failed:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 9 bytes) in /home/straightdope/ on line 1007

I’ll wait a while and try with just two terms rather than three.

(1) “national health organization” + “Muffin” doesn’t produce an error. It gives no matches but there’s no reason why it should. So, some three word terms work OK.

(2) “world cup” + “Chez Guevara” gives an error.

(3) “world” + “Chez Guevara” gives an error.

What’s wrong with the world?

Good question.

(4) “We are in a world of shit” + “Chez Guevara” gives an error.

(5) “We are in a earth of shit” + “Chez Guevara” gives one match (don’t ask).

Clearly, the World Health Organization needs to be rebranded as the Earth Health Organization.

Searching for Heath Organization worked.

I’ll try searching for World again later.

Probably a filter imposed by homeland Security – World implies communism.

Thanks, Chez Guevara, for figuring it out. It would have been a long time before I clued into World being a blocked term.

Is there a list of blocked words anywhere to be found on the SDMB?