Seattle Pub Trivia 2009: The Undiscovered Country

I will most likely be there.

Very probably.

Nope. I have somehow managed to join an Honor Society, and we have a meeting. Maybe next week.


That is all.

Victory, eh? Well, I’ll fix that this week.

That is, I’ll be there.

Interesting paraphrase of Lombardi, Cervaise.

I should be there.

Johnny Drama, actually.

I am expecting to be in attendance, along with the gf, since American Idol is Wed-Thu this week and she is therefore free.

We are probably out: he’s sick, I’m trying not to be, and the Homework Fairies have visited. Surly bitches.

I will be there. Gotta get in some drinking, red meat, and nuditiy in before Lent. I considered giving up trivia for 40 days, but I’ve decided instead to stay away from high-priced call girls and chocolate-covered grasshoppers.

Oh, wait. I’m not an observant Catholic. Never mind.

I am an inobservant Catholic. I keep walking into the doorjamb and bouncing away from the Church.

Hey, Lent is for Protestants, too (some flavors of Protestants, anyway)!

I’ll be there tonight, probably still trying to decide what to do for Lent.

I think you should stay away from high-priced grasshoppers and chocolate-covered call girls.

I’ll be there.

Grasshoppers the insect, or grasshoppers the drink?

Grasshopper the young student. Those always get people in trouble.

I’m planning to be there tonight, even if a spectacularly bad night’s sleep has turned my brain to mush.

Anyone else?

Yes, most likely.

I’m new to this, how do I find the dopers?

Yay, fresh blood! I mean, brains!

Our very own Interrobang!? is hosting tonight, so if you ask him nicely, he’ll point you in our direction.

There’s an off chance I might be there tonight. If that sweet spot of ‘too tired to fence but too awake to sleep’ happens to me at the right time.