So I came into work last night and I was informed:
“We’re doing Secret Santas! Pick a name out of the bowl!”
Fuck you people! Fuck your miserable fucking faces!
Here’s the situation I now find myself in: I work the graveyard shift- I am the only person on during my shift. So almost everyone else on staff has already picked from the bowl and my name had been put in the bowl with everyone else’s. Someone could very easily have already picked my name. If someone did pick my name there is no way of finding out who since no record has been kept- it’s secret! This pretty much robs me of the opportunity to abstain since there could already be a person buying a present for me. So, grudgingly, I pull a name from the bowl.
First of all, I am busy and I don’t look forward to having another errand to run. Especially a work-related errand during my personal free time!
Secondly, the Holidays are expensive enough and money is tight. There are people with whom I am quite close, people who I love dearly, who will not be getting material Christmas presents.
Thirdly, as I mentioned above, I am the sole person working during my shift. I see my co-workers for a few minutes when I come on and relieve them at the start of my shift, and for a few minutes when they relieve me at the end of my shift. I have co-workers I’ve never met. I communicate with my manager through e-mail. I barely know these people! And I’m supposed to buy one of them a present???
Even if the conditions were completely different, this should still be OPTIONAL!
Fuck these people’s miserable fucking faces!
When I picked a name out of the bowl there were about 5 names that had not yet been picked- there were a few people who had had days off and had not worked a shift yet since the Secret Santa thing had been organized. After everyone else left for the night I dug through the bowl to see if my name had been picked yet. Luckily, I had not yet been picked. So, I took my name out of the bowl and replaced it with the name I had originally pulled. Now none of these people has to buy a present for me, and I don’t have to buy anything for any of them.
Am I wrong? Wouldn’t this piss you off? Fuck their miserable fucking faces?