Yeah, you. In the run-down looking pickup truck. With your friend Billy Joe Bob in the seat next to you. The one who merged onto the interstate just a little in front of me the other day as I was driving back to town. Just two exits before mine.
I know you like carrying stuff in your pickup truck. I can understand hauling small miscellaneous items on those back dirt roads, really I can. Not much speed. No big deal.
But do you not have brains enough to realize that on the interstate, those 80+ MPH winds can easily pick up loose items in your truck bed and send them flying? What, you don’t? For chrissakes it’s near the same force wind that picked up that branch and blew it through the window of your double-wide when the hurricane came through.
Well, you think you could tie that shit down next time?
I don’t know what that thing was that flew from your truck bed, straight at my car, no way for me to avoid it. At first, I thought it was just something really light, a small box perhaps. But the KERCHUNK THUNK KA-CHUNK I heard indicated to me that it was a bit more solid than a box. Then I saw it shoot out behind me in the rear view mirror and bounce under the next vehicle.
I didn’t think too much of it until I pulled onto my street and heard a scraping/grinding noise.
Well, imagine my joy, you pustulent wretch, when I took my car in to a shop and found out that the right front strut was bent, enough so that part of the metal was rubbing up against the tire. The mechanic let me come over to the lift and look at it – it definitely did not match the good one on the left. Fortunately the rack and pinion it connects to was fine, but still… the repair was not exactly cheap.
While I also had the front brake pads replaced, which I found I would have needed soon anyways (so I assign you no blame for the brakes), I suppose I have you to thank, you festering gob, for the majority of the $600 repair bill. (replacing the damaged parts and having the alignment re-done).
Now please do one of the following:
- Meet Mr. Rope. He’s good for tying things down.
- Grow a brain on that rock you call a head and remove loose items from the truck bed if you’re going to be driving at higher speeds.
- If you won’t do 1 or 2, get the fuck off the interstate.