See Museum Quality Airplanes in Dayton (Ohio) on February 15th!

I could be there, would have to decide when. Problem is, one day is just plane (pun intended) too short a time to see the whole museum.

—Narile, currently working in building 65, the nice 11 story or so tall hangar behind the museum.

If I come - Mr. Pol comes too, I imagine. Whither thou goest & all that.

He can go look at all the pretty (I mean handsome) planes while we chat.

I’m pretty flexible with specific meeting times - not sure if we’d come over Fri night or just leave home early. Depends on whether we can find a Spooner-sitter.

I’m going to try to make this. My buddy and I have been trying to fly out there for months now. If the weather is good, we’re there!

Déjà Vu? :wink:

I think snow, er…, think so.

Is that where they keep the Aliens, Deceased?

Well you don’t think they actually keep them out in New Mexico do you Shibb? Where did they have Project Blue Book (that’s where they figured the resale value on UFO’s)? Dayton.

Roswell is just a red herring.

You realize, Rue, that by posting this on a public message board, you’ve condemned us all to death, don’t you? Thanks, so very much, I was hoping to have my head frozen when I died, now that’s not going to happen!

I’ll put a good word in for you Tuck. After they kill you I’ll make sure your head gets frozen. Not to worry.

Hi Narile. Maybe we’ll have to do a lunchtime mini-WPAFB-laboratory-DopeFest some day.

Could be I’ve already met you since I’ve been in your building many times.

Skinny. (looking down on Bldg 65 from up on the hill in Bldg 653)

tap tap tap

Hello? Is this thing on?

Nope, that is ‘Hanger 18’, more accurately, Building 18F. I’ve been in there as well. But in that case its because my father was building supervisor for buildings 18F and 18E. He even once was on TV giving a reporter a tour of the building, as the reporter searched for aliens. (Was part of a report on April 1st, regarding the release of the film Fire in the Sky )

Never saw an alien in the ‘Hangar’, but one of my fathers tech’s had a formeldahyde filled jar, and in the jar was floating Alien Specimen - 5-25-1977, it was a star wars hammerhead figure. :slight_smile:

Well, up until October I was working in building 620 for SatCom.

But I currently work for Mark Duareso(sp?)

OK think, for you. A recap.

February 15th I managed to get a GREAT DEAL at the Airforce Museum. So I thought I’d share it with my friends.

Some of said friends decided to show up and take advantage of said deal.

We figure to meet up somewhere, sometime at the Museum on the 15th.

Since it was all over a month away, after a couple of posts the thread went to sleep.

Now it’s awake again.

I’m still going with Soupo and probably Uncle Skippy and maybe a couple of other sibs. We’ll probably get there about 10:00 or so. Maybe a touch sooner.

That’s all I know.

I’m pretty curious to meet this “Uncle Skippy” character.

A recap! Just for me! I’m touched! [sub](But not in a dirty, you’re going to see this in the Enquirer, kind of way)[/sub]

Glad to see my bump worked, Laserkitty and I should see y’all in a month.

Shibb, you can even call him “Uncle Skippy” or just plain “Skippy” since he’s not your uncle. He likes that.

In case this thread gets sleepy again (I’ll revive it early in February for last minute changes) how’s about we meet up…

Dang! I can’t find a layout of the museum on their website. (I didn’t look all that hard, but I got bored looking anyway.) OK, look here. See the picture of the museum right up at the top? You park over on the right side of the building. Then you walk in the Main Entrance (that’s why they call it that, the “Main Entrance”, it’s where you go in at). If you cross the foyer in front of the IMAX theater, there’s an elevator. Be around there about 10-ish.

And carry balloons so we all know you’re one of us. Or just keep calling out “Woo hoo! Rue! I’m here!” I’ll find you.

I figure we’ll lunch (that’s just my party in the “we”, you do what you want, but feel free to join us) at the “Valkyrie” Café upstairs. Dunno about the Pub after. We’ll have the kid with us. Who knows how long he’ll last.
-Rue. (planned out)

This. . . “Uncle Skippy” - is he a scary sort?

I had a friend who had an Uncle Skippy once. . .

For some unexplainable reason (at least to me) “Uncle Skippy” brings to mind a kangaroo. Oddly enough, I’m not disturbed by the mental image of Rue, Soupo, and a kangaroo wandering thru an aircraft museum. I’m thinking my meds need to be adjusted.

He’s “Uncle Skippy”, not just plain “Skippy”, or even “Chunky Skippy” (although he might be “Uncle Chunky Skippy” if he prefers), whether he likes it or not. Too late.

Soupo is 4 or 5, right? Don’t worry, The Boy will be along, they’ll play, kids have lots of energy when other kids are involved. The Girl will be there, too, most likely, but no telling whether she’ll be included in the “he-man” stuff.