I can’t find a thread for this, but as I just saw it a couple nights ago, I wanted to pop in and just say…wow. It was a lot better than I expected, and I really liked it.
Also, if anyone’s looking for a ‘date night’ movie <not the movie DATE NIGHT, just a movie for a date, you know?> this…this is right up there. It’s not all oogie, so the guys don’t have to run screaming; besides, KIERRA KNIGHTLY. There, that oughtta do it for you.
Anyway…yeah. Decent flick. Actually have had dreams about it.
I enjoyed it. It had what the spouse and I both thought was a huge plot hole at the end, but other than that both of us thought it was a good, underrated movie. (I think I posted a thread about it, but I could be mistaken and I’m too lazy to go check. :D)
Oh wow, I didn’t look THAT far back because I didn’t realize just how long it’d been out, lol.
And I had the same thought about the plane. Just…no way was it going to work.
Part of me figured that his dad knew it wouldn’t work, but figured he owed his kid to try. Also wondered if Dodge knew it probably wouldn’t work, but that the planet would blow up before they ever made it ANYway, so at least they could all die having tried to do the right thing.
And the ending makes me want to go watch The Unbearable Lightness of Being again. For the umpteenth time. But it’s been a while
Keira Knightly is quite an amazing actor. There is one scene in Love, Actually where she delivers what seems like a dozen lines of dialogue without saying a word.