Seeking Dopers who are Registered Nurses

I am currently going to school for my pre-requisites so I can enroll in a 2 year nursing program to become a RN. For my English class assignment, I need to interview a Registered Nurse for a compare and contrast essay. I will compare and contrast my current job (doing medical device assembly) to my dream job of being a RN. The problem is I don’t know a RN and am hoping someone here is one and wouldn’t mind helping me out on this one. My rough draft is due (Thursday) tomorrow evening. The following are the questions I need answered.

1. How long did you have to go to school to become a RN?
2. What state are you working in now?
3. What type of environment do you work in? Hospital? Office? Other?
4. How much do you make in a year?
5. What are your options for advancement?
6. If you chose to further your education, what are your options? How would furthering your education be funded? Would your current employer help with expenses? Would you have to take out a loan or apply for a grant?
7. What are your daily responsibilities?
8. During your day are you kept tabs on by your superior or do you mostly work independently?
9. How long is your typical shift? How many days a week to you work?
10. What about vacations? Sick leave? Holidays? Benefits?
11. How satisfying is your work?
12. What do you like most about being a RN? Least?
13. What advice can you give someone (me) about becoming a RN? After I become a RN, what advice would you give me about actually being a RN?
You all don’t know how much I’d appreciate your help. If you would rather email me your responses, that’d be great too, since I have to bring proof of the interview with me to class. Thank you, again!

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