Self-identifying and organizing by race - except for whites

I thought you said white wasnt an ethnicity?

It’s not, but no ethnicities which have white skin are excluded from UNCF scholarships, so your attempted gotcha is a fail.

Nobody is stopping you from starting a whitey club, by the way. Knock yourself out. You aren’t being repressed.

Like I said before…thats what we have to CELEBRATE…and we do have a club…the club “you guys” bitch about controlling/oppressing everyone else…

There are some blacks, and other minorities that complain that main stream American culture is white culture.

There are tons of black comedians who make a living on nothing but comparing the differences between blacks and whites.

There are plenty of people who see two Americas: white America and black America.

When talking about ‘race relations’ the only terms I’ve ever heard are blacks and whites, or whites and Hispanics, or Hispanics and blacks; but the point is, whites are constantly grouped together, and with good reason.

And as I said earlier, a lot of us are mutts who only have white skin and American citizenship as something in common. We don’t identify as something-American and we don’t have any traditions from any of the old worlds that we try to keep alive.

I don’t think anybody has said anything about white clubs not being allowed. Just that such clubs are considered racist.

Then there’s no such thing as “Hispanic culture”. I have friends from the Dominican Republic and from Peru, and other than religion and language (and even language is a stretch as my Peruvian friends tell me), they are no closer to each other than my Italian and Irish friends are. So if Mexican, Cuban, Argentinian, Castillian can band together under an umbrella, so can “whites”.

FTR, my Dominican friends certainly think there is such a thing as “Anglo” culture.

So, does the UNCF application have a box to check for ethnicity? If so, WHAT are they using that for? And if they don’t use it, why the hell do they even have it?

I still have no idea what you’re talking about. Who is “you guys?”

What makes you think they have it?

I have no idea if they do or don’t, but I do know they don’t exclude based on race, and when organizations do ask for that kind of demographic information, it’s usually not not a required field, and it’s done for internal statistical reasons.

This scholarship is designed to provide financial support and Cisco internship opportunities for African American Electrical Engineering or Computer Science majors with a special focus on women and students who demonstrate community service. Applicants must have a minimum 3.20 GPA.

“designed to” and “excluded from” are not quite the same … but I would want to see a high burden of proof. The same level of proof I would want to see that “whitey scholarship” didn’t exclude.


Actually, your first statement is pretty accurate and your Domincan friends are simply displaying the same sort of ignorance of the white majority that non-Hispanics tend to display toward the multiple Hispanic cultures that get lumped based on the fact that the majority does not take the time to get beyond the common language of the various Hispanic cultures.

To the extent that some Hispanic groups form political associations based on their common language under a “Hispanic” umbrella, it is done simply to augment their numbers as a political force, but advocates of Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, Dominican, and other culturally distinct groups–along with sociologists and anthropologists–are frequently heard bemoaning the references to an non-existent “Hispanic” culture. (There are some attiributes of the larger bodies of whites or Hispanics that demonstrate closer associations than with other groups, but nothing that actually identifies all of them as being within a single culture.)

The non-white guys that claim the white guys have a cabal that keeps non whites down.

That or people from Jersey.

As a white American, I’d be very uncomfortable identifying with a “white” anything other than a general acknowledgment that most groups would consider me white.

First and foremost, it doesn’t pass the smell test. I don’t know how to say it more plainly, and no; I can’t define it. But it seems to stink.

Second, I find no practical need to do so. I have looked around and not seen an average negative disparity in white success. Most self-identification seems to be driven in modern times by a relative minority or special-interest representation. “We are Italian Americans.” Totally different feel.

Third, it is so feeble. I mean, c’mon: I’m a white guy, associating with my fellow white guys? Lame.

Finally, and perhaps this is the most practical: I am much more comfortable with my class and social status–generally educated and well-off–than I am with color, ancestry or ethnicity as a sorting mechanism. A Black/Indian/Chinese fellow physician and I have much more in common than a bozo white bumpkin from…well; I’ll stop there before I offend further.

Anyone claiming that “Hispanic” is anything more than a convenient term and more “real” than “white” is dead wrong. Why do I, a white upper class guy from Peru have in common with a black subsitence farmer in the Dominica Republic that makes us both “Hispanic” as a culture/ethnicity?
Being white is a reality.

Proof of what?

  1. I am white.
  2. I don’t make any such claim.
  3. Neither has anyone else in this thread, as far as I can see.

In America, the differences don’t matter. In America, the perception is that if you’re from south of the border and speak Spanish, you’re all the same. It’s not relevant that the perception os false. The perception is a reality

In America, being Hispanic is a reality. I know that in South America, that kind of lumping together of all non-European, Spanish speaking people is absurd. It happens nonetheless. Even Brazilians get lumped in as “Hispanic.”

Did you read the post you quoted?

“Originally Posted by Diogenes the Cynic View Post
It’s not, but no ethnicities which have white skin are excluded from UNCF scholarships, so your attempted gotcha is a fail.”

Once again :

This scholarship is designed to provide financial support and Cisco internship opportunities for African American Electrical Engineering or Computer Science majors with a special focus on women and students who demonstrate community service. Applicants must have a minimum 3.20 GPA.

so cite that UNCF doesn’t discriminate and or eliminate on race, UNCF claims they do.


Really? Maybe you should try to do a little better research. From the UNCF FAQ:

Don’t pop off at the mouth if you don’t know what you’re talking about.

So what we have is two different web pages on UNFC.

One claims:
“UNCF believes in higher education opportunities for all Americans. UNCF-member schools do not discriminate and UNCF-administered scholarships are open to all.”

The other claims:
“This scholarship is designed to provide financial support and Cisco internship opportunities for African American Electrical Engineering or Computer Science majors with a special focus on women and students who demonstrate community service. Applicants must have a minimum 3.20 GPA.”

As for “Don’t pop off at the mouth if you don’t know what you’re talking about.” I think it would be both interesting and enlightening given the overall respect I have for your arguments even educational to understand where this statement comes from and where your argument comes from.

Off topic question :

“Don’t pop off at the mouth if you don’t know what you’re talking about.”

how much do you need to know to post a counterpoint from from the source the quoted used?

Originally Posted by Diogenes the Cynic View Post
“no ethnicities which have white skin are excluded from UNCF scholarships”

keep in mind I admitted "“designed to” and “excluded from” are not quite the same in my reply
