Selma 2015 movie (no spoilers from me)

I saw this last night, and it was GREAT. Gave me details of what I thought I understood of the situation/events that I had never realized. I presume the accuracy of fairly close to ‘real life’ of the crap against the ‘colored folk’ at that time/place. A couple scenes had me near breathless in shock or wonder.

One thing I can say is that the actor, David Oyelowo, portraying MLK had me literally thinking I was watching a colorized- vidoe version of actual at-that-time events. The movie really gets deep into Dr King’s feelings/emotions, etc - and the other actors were awesome at their roles, as well. I did not realize/recognize the actress portraying Annie Lee Cooper was Oprah until well into the movie! She really did a great job, too, at showing the dedication of what needed to be done, etc…

Bullshit times, and this movie captured well what was going on ‘under the surface’ of those involved with the movement, IMHO.

Anyone else see this movie yet? I’d be interested to hear opinions as to the overall accuracy/portrayal of MLK and other ‘leaders’ (like Andrew Young and such). I am surprised the IMDB only gives it a 7.3 (IIRC) as MY impression is that is should be above a 9, at a minimum.