Okay, this morning’s dream was very interesting. half of it concerned a conglomeration of one of Al Gore’s kids and someone I recently met at an ATT meeting. But that’s irrelevant.
Part of it featured a doper! Hehehe.
Now . . . Diane had one and people guessed who it was. Athena had one and we figured it out.
Now you get to guess mine! Good luck, as I haven’t been to a dopefest yet. And I don’t know the post count of the doper in question, though I’ll try to find out.
hopes crushedsnifff Not me. sigh I thought it might be, till you said ‘east of Illinois’.
On the other hand, it could be…hmmmm… Let me think on that a bit. It’s a female doper, with at least 500 posts, who lives east of Illinois, and joined around February. Good questions, Falcon and ssskuggiii. What’s your answer, Paddy?
And, no offense, Iampunha, but what makes you think this was particularly threadworthy? ALL of us straight male SDMB posters (and for that matter, bisexual male and female posters, and probably some lesbian female posters for good measure) have erotic dreams about Michi. It’s virtually a rite of passage 'round these parts.
I mean, I might as well have started a thread about how I backed my car out of my driveway this morning. Or how I stopped at a red light on my way to the office…
Oh, and by the way, a correction above: no one figured out Diane’s dream (nightmare?). She told people. And I have it on good authority that she got about a thousand e-mails that said: "I can understand Stevicus, and the Demo guy, but why that other loser? He’s a freak!
Y’all seem to have read me wrong. She’s been around since at LEAST February. She may well, for all you guys know, have been here since January 10 or april of last year.
Today’s clue: she is not a blond. As far as I can tell.
It is not Michi. I would love to have dreams about Michi. I have no so far.
And DRY, I thought the teeming hundreds might like to know about MY dream, as there are and have been other MPSIMS threads devoted to doper dreams.
Hmph. Fine, see if I have any more erotic dreams about you then, you ingrate. I’ll just go back to fantasizing about matt and SkySlash and ChrisP… {SIGH}