(Semi) Well-known people who share unusual names

Who are some people, at least semi-famous, who have the same, uncommon name as another famous person?

Such as:

Brandon Flowers, lead singer for The Killers
Brandon Flowers, Kansas City Chiefs cornerback

And - it’s occurred to me this might belong in the Game Room. Mods, what do you think?

Sir Francis Bacon philosopher.
Francis Bacon artist (painter).

Not quite what you’re looking for, but I was hella confused this last election season because I kept getting Rand Paul and Ron Paul mixed up in my head. I knew one was one’s son, but couldn’t keep track of who was who.

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Karim Abdul-Jabbar (until the better known Abdul-Jabbar forced the other own to use Abdul-Karim al-Jabbar instead.

Sir Richard Burton, actor
Sir Richard Burton, explorer

Kenny Rogers the ex-major league pitcher.

Kenny Rogers the gambler and coward of the county who left Lucille with four hungry children because Ruby took her love to town through the years.

Matthew Perry, commodore
Matthew Perry, actor

Two with San Francisco ties:

Roger Craig - football player

Roger Craig - baseball player/manager

Are any of the names posted thus far really ‘uncommon’ as defined by the OP? Even “Brandon Flowers” is not all that uncommon IMO, as I know lots of "Brandon"s and I know several families with “Flowers” as a surname.

John Daly is name shared by a professional golfer and the former host of Whats My Line but I don’t consider the name “John Daly” uncommon.

Now, if there was another “Kitty Carlisle” beside the one who was on Whats my Line, I would consider that an uncommon.

To clarify, I mean as a combined name. So, “Brandon Flowers” is going to be not all that common, even if there are a fair number of Brandons and Flowers.

In an extremely strange coincidence that somewhat makes up for the commonality of the name (Wikipedia lists 4 others), Alan White is the name of two English rock drummers.

Additionally, Alan White the elder played drums on some of John Lennon’s solo hits. Lennon was in some obscure band whose drummer was Ringo Starr. Ringo’s son, Zach Starkey, replaced Alan White the younger as the drummer for Oasis. The younger Alan White was also born the same year the older Alan White joined Yes.


Flagstaff Steampickle Frakkenhammer is a fictional character I just invented.

Flagstaff Steampickle Frakkenhammer is *another *fictional character I just invented.
(assuming fictional names count; if not, nevermind)

I assume cases like Englebert Humperdink (where the singer deliberately took the composer’s name as a stage name) don’t count?

Jesse James, Outlaw
Jesse James, Actor (?), Husband of Sandra Bullick

Abraham Lincoln, President
Abraham Lincoln, early 19th century mayor of Worcester, Mass.

Jerry Lewis, Actor
Jerry Lee Lewis, Singer

Winston Churchill, British Statesman
Winston Churchill, late 19th century American author

Back about ten years ago, there were two NFL players playing at the same time with the same name, but I don’t recall it (and not Curt/Kurt Warner).

There are two people in show biz with the name Nick Wechsler.

One is a movie producer and the husband of Stephane Romanov (who played Lilah on ‘Angel’.)

The other is an ‘It’s that guy again’ TV actor, best known for his regular parts on Team Knight Rider and Roswell.

Do Eva Longoria, Actress, and Evan Longoria, major league baseball player, count?

And the elder Alan White’s bandmate in Yes, Steve Howe, shares his name with a major league baseball player.

Custom motorcycle builder. Owner of West Coast Choppers. His television work has been mostly based around that.

(Also, he’s Bullock’s ex-husband.)