Senator Toracelli Is a DINK!

I just listened to this creep’s speech-it really made me want to punch this little prick’s ugly face! he gets caught taking bribes , and he says that the public has no cause to complain! Now, we have a videotape of him meeting with a trash-hauling goombah (in a 7-11 store). No doubt, the senator has a good explanation for that one as well. What really made me laugh-he phoned ex-pres Clinton for guidance! He actually APOLOGIZED to the ex-fornicator-in-chief for “not being strong”-what a performance!
Any NJ dopers actually ADMIT to having voted for this piece of shit?:rolleyes:

Yup. I admit it. I voted for him.

Nope, I won’t defend him. “Dink” is far too kind of a word to describe him.

That speech was absolutely appalling. He blamed society for his downfall. Yeah, right.


I think the Republican Party does have a point on this one. They are saying that allowing the Dems to replace Torricelli on the ballot will lead to candidates dropping out after the deadline just because their polls are low. That’s obviously not the whole story here, but it would set a dangerous precedent.

It’s a horrible situation, and this is one of the very rare times that I’m ashamed of my adopted home state.

As a conservative Republican, I’m saddened as well. It’s much better when we have to platforms to vote for or against instead of a candidate’s questionable character.

We all lose on this one.

to as in 2.

This looks suspiciously like a political rant. I think I’ll move it over to the Pit.

They should leave his name on that ballot, so we can see how bad his ass gets whipped.

They should leave his name on that ballot, so we can see how bad his ass gets whipped.

Yes, but what if they still vote for him and he gets re-elected?

Well he wasn’t polling well so he dropped out after the deadline, and the dems are trying to get someone new in there.

I don’t mind Toracelli stepping down this late in the game. What I mind is his reason for stepping down. It has nothing to do with bribery or getting caught or abusing the privilege of his office.
It’s about a hotly contested Senate seat in a battle between political parties.

How warped does your ideology have to be where the ONLY crime you see in this whole sorrid affair is that the evil evil Republicans might gain 1% more power than they had before? How can that much hatred towards the other side, merely because they’re on the other side, ever be conducive towards an efficient democratic process?

I would say it has everything to do with abusing his office, because thats what is screwing him in the polls. Now onto that matter of 51 days…

It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

I would say it has everything to do with abusing his office, because thats what is screwing him in the polls. Now onto that matter of 51 days…

It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

Do you know what a goombah is? n.b. This is not a rhetorical question.
P.S. Torricelli is a pantload for waiting until it was too late to drop out.

Like it matters. The party’s being allowed to replace him on the ballot with Frank Lautenberg. What a hideous decision.

Around here, “DINK” means “Double Income/No Kids”.

Toricelli has a working wife and no kids?
