senseless ramblings

I just decided to go to the library over lunch and get something to read, then I’ll go to Safeway and get some Chinese food for lunch. My favorite (food) is General Tso’s Chicken. My favorite books lately have been Brother Cadfael mysteries by Ellis Peters.

“non sunt multiplicanda entia praeter necessitatem”
– William of Ockham

Back from lunch. Couldn’t find any Cadfael but did pick up a couple of Ngaio Marsh mysteries I haven’t read. The general’s chicken was only fair today – I should know better than to get Chinese food in a supermarket. I got two fortunes in my fortune cookie, but they were both the same. (What are the odds of that?)

“non sunt multiplicanda entia praeter necessitatem”
– William of Ockham

how come I pay $5000 a year for office rent and my storage space is two buildings away? at least it gives me a chance to walk by that cute redhead at the facility desk. don’t even know her name but damn she’s cute. all my keys for this building look the same…


“Always forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.”

  • John F. Kennedy

I went down to the lunch room to buy a can of liquid sleep, aka Mountain Dew. When I got there, I realized that all I had in my pockets was a five-dollar bill and a Susan B. Anthony one-dollar coin, none of which will work in a soda machine.

Right then my boss came into the room, so I asked if he had change of a five. He didn’t, but handed me a dollar anyway, and said to just pay him back tomorrow.

I pulled out the Susan B. and flipped it to him, prompting him to stare at me as if I’d grown another head. I thus had to explain (again) that it was not a quarter but actually a dollar coin, which I’d gotten as change from a vending machine in the post office.

He peered at the coin, laughed, and promptly fat-fingered it. It rolled out of his hand, bounced once in the sink, and rolled into the garbage disposal.

My boss then stuck his hand into the hole to root around for the coin… and got stuck. (Only for a minute or so, but I’m still laughing about it. Just the thought will keep me smiling during the next boring staff meeting. =B^)

Of course I don’t fit in; I’m part of a better puzzle.

Ahh yes, my new hay fever medication has finally worn off! I can now blow those beautiful snot rockets once again! Claritin works wonders, only one pill a day with no drowsiness or hyperactivity, its just swell.

My sister had 3 pounds of boob removed yesterday. She got to come home (well, to my grandma’s house) from the hospital today. Am told she did a lot of sleeping and a lot of bitchin about the pain. Give her a few days and she’ll be good as new.

“I’m not dumb. I just have a command of thoroughly useless information.”-- Calvin and Hobbes
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The yellow ICQ letter icon has been flashing all night. My 33 year old daughter downloaded it and made a bunch of ICQ friends when she stayed here for awhile.

I can’t ignore the little flashing thing so I usually talk to these people, who seem very lonely.

Tonight I’m ignoring them.

Creeping slowly towards my 1000th posting, with an average of 10-15 irrelevant word in each.There will coffee and cake at the usual place, the Restaurant at the End of the Universe.This is 972.

I can’t get up and get breakfast because my cat is on my lap and if I try to move her she bites me. This isn’t unusual behavior for my cat.

There’s nothing in the house for breakfast anyway.

Today is half price nacho day at the local Applebee’s. Woohoo! I live for Thursday.

Pay day today! Yahooooooooooo! :slight_smile:

I prefer rogues to imbeciles because they sometimes take a rest.
Alexandre Dumas the Younger (1824-1895)

The past 2 weeks I have been sitting up at odd hours and doing odd things. Like turining on the lights or I’ll find myself searching around my bedroom when i finally regain consiousness. I’m still not sure what I’m looking for yet.

Hey Gr8Cat find a good lunchbox? You might also try some thrift stores, you can sometimes find good ones there.

I found a cool Speed racer metal box at this store in Pike’s Marketplace

To deal with men by force is as impractical as to deal with nature by persuasion.

I didn’t get a great lunchbox, but it’ll do. I just got a cheapo plastic one at Wal-Mart, but it’s got Winnie the Pooh and friends on the front with a cute little poem about picnics and Pooh-bears.

I still miss metal lunchboxes, though. They had pictures all over them, not just one on the front. They did tend to rust, though. But this lunchbox holds a thermos full of ice tea, a lunch-meat sandwich, yogurt, a fruit cup, a baggy of baby carrots, and a baggy of cereal, which is all I need it to do. We’ll see at lunchtime how bad the fruit and yogurt cups squished the sandwich.

“I hope life isn’t a big joke, because I don’t get it,” Jack Handy

I forgot to put clean socks in my gym bag. I’m going to have to do my aerobic class either barefoot or shoes with no socks. Either way will suck.

There is popcorn all over my office floor. I should clean it up before the cleaning people get here.

I hate navy blue.


Coarse and violent nudity. Occasional language.

I’m the only person on my floor who listens to any music more energetic than kenny g , I have to close my office door whenever I play my Misfits cd’s and such…

You should see their faces when they walk in to talk to me.

To deal with men by force is as impractical as to deal with nature by persuasion.

Bowen was diagnosed with impetigo. He’s medicated and no longer contagious, but I still get the week off from having to pick up Catte’s kids.

Every room in my house is a flea market.

Byron went golfing. He should have stayed home to weed the gardens and mowed the lawn.

I really should spend Bowen’s naptimes sleeping. Instead, I’m always here. Always.

I have no idea what to make for supper. I’m thinking Apple Jacks sounds pretty good.

Did I mention that every room in my house is a pit? Did I also mention that I’m hosting a baby shower here in two days? And that Byron went golfing instead of sticking around to help me make this place look like a real house?

My nose itches.

Veni, Vidi, Visa … I came, I saw, I bought.

I am delurking. Keep your eye on 'ol mister B_Line12… your gonna be seeing a lot of 'im!! why was I lurking for so long? to lazy to type I suppose…

The wisest man I ever knew taught me something I never forgot. And although I never forgot it, I never quite memorized it either. So what I’m left with is the memory of having learned
something very wise that I can’t quite remember. -George Carlin

Chris: Serve them TV dinners in the tin trays. I always have authentic TV dinners, on a fold out flimsy tray. None of that microwave stuff for me.

Woke up late again today.My son has to be at school by 9 a.m. I tried to get up at 8 so he could have breakfast. Nope. Woke up at 8:20,just enough time to catch the bus.We made it!

Big bats down to 1 5 5
Over cross up the thing no?
This hopscotch pouch,
Inevitably 2 4 8 4 8 4 8 4
I I with a 2 2 2 3 4 5.
Down here mother, we’re all home now.
Hunrgy! Hungry!
Beep Beep up yours too Don!
He’s back in a moment!

Don’t let the loveless ones sell you a world wrapped in grey.

Now THAT is one of my favorite suppers! You must use the same cookbook as me.

My offer of a round house up the side of his head is still good. :slight_smile:

Lemme know.


Coarse and violent nudity. Occasional language.