senseless ramblings

I left my glasses at work. I have a pair of bifocals that I only use in the car to read maps and similar situations. I have to tilt my head back to see this screen. I coyld put the monitor on the floor and the keyboard on my lap.
Actually, I’m trying to post a few useless (well, even more useless than my normal irrelevant)posts to get over that 1000 mark.

Already posted this on Mundane Part Six, but this news is worth repeating–I am dating!!! I am no longer a crazy cat lady! He is a Jewish doctor (my mother’s greatest dream)! Everyone pray for me that this lasts longer than 2 months. While things aren’t that serious between us yet, I do like him a lot and hope to continue my relationship with him. Right now I am just happy to be going out and having fun.

I’m writing this from work. I need to get a haircut. Some gum would be nice.

You say “cheesy” like that’s a BAD thing.

Woohoo, Michelle! Keep us posted!

Saturday Morning:

The cat and my 3 year old have destroyed the carpet in the family room. The stains look like a ink blot test.

I am thinking of selling all of my 1st edition AD&D books, that have not been touched in at least 5 years, on E-Bay.

My wife loves her new van, a Honda Odyssey.

I decided that Dipsy is my favorite Teletubbie.

Hey General I know how you feel, I have a box (the type that you buy copy paper in) full of old role playing books. Like mage and werewolf, and D&D.

I can’t bear to dispose of them, but i never really use them (it doesn’t help that i have like 4 friends in Seattle now that I have moved and none of them are into RPGing.

I’m sitting here at 8 am craving a cheeseburger and a vernor’s soda. Breakfast of Champions!

Don’t let the loveless ones sell you a world wrapped in grey.

I’m at work right now. There’s one other person here. I want to go home but I can’t. I think I might go get some potato chips or something, even though we’re not supposed to have food in here. It’s the last day of the quarter, my boss is probably already off on his quarter-break scuba vacation, and I’m hungry.

Tonight, we’re all going to go watch the Ohio State game somewhere. I want to go to Damon’s because I can play NTN and get some decent food also, but I don’t know if my friends will want to go there. I really hate plain old bars, though. There’s something about sitting in front of a TV for four hours that makes me want to eat, and have comfortable, non-sticky seats, and as little smoke as I can find. Restaurants generally offer that more than bars. I can barely stand bars when I just want to drink, so I certainly can’t stand them when all I want to do is watch football. Thanks to the Ohio State game and the NFL season opening weekend, I’ll probably spend quite a bit of the next 48 hours in some sort of bar-type establishment, though.

I can’t wait until classes start again. I have one class in which I’ll read 8 novels in 10 weeks. It’s 20th Century American Fiction, and just in case you guys care, here’s the reading list:

Their Eyes Were Watching God
The Sound and the Fury
The Sun Also Rises
The Great Gatsby
The Crying of Lot 49
White Noise
In the Lake of the Woods

I’m also taking another really cool literary publishing class next quarter, and my blowoff class is Intro to Film, which is still going to rock. I’ll be busy, but it’ll never feel like work.

Today is saturday. I had to get up at 10:30 because its saturday… and you have to get up at 10:30 (well, according to my mom). According to her I also live like a pig and she scared to go in my room and find things that are disgusting… like dust. Now she’s pissed at me cuz i haven’t made my bed yet, and my clothes need to be picked up and i need to pack all my stuff up for my big move to cincy. Thing is… i think my room looks fine, i dusted a couple weeks ago, i only have 4 or 5 things on the floor, and i already packed yesterday. Ugh… i can’t wait to get out of my house!!!

“I’m not dumb. I just have a command of thoroughly useless information.”-- Calvin and Hobbes
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Me again.

Ate chicken for lunch. Trying to get through the rest of my work day without going postal. I’ve decided that ALL of the teletubbies are gay.

The song “Mr Roboto” keeps going through my head (Secret, secret, I’ve got a secret).

You say “cheesy” like that’s a BAD thing.

My little cat Orion is outside somewhere. He didn’t come home last night. He’s not allowed outside, but he snuck past me yesterday morning because I’m kinda slow moving and I haven’t seen him since. When he goes outside, he acts like a ferral cat and we can only recover him by luring him in with treats. Once he’s back in the house, he returns to his normal lovey self, but outside he just wants to run, run, run. I hope he’s figured out he’s not to run toward the road :frowning:

“I hope life isn’t a big joke, because I don’t get it,” Jack Handy

You can get metal lunchboxes at Archie McPhee’s

The lunchbox page is:
Speaking of Archie McPhee, I got my mom a pair of spark-shooting NunZillas :smiley:

“Cluemobile? You’ve got a pickup…”
OpalCat’s site:
The Teeming Millions Homepage:

Most of your senseless ramblings actually make sense–This is senseless rambling.

Assigned, they would.
Perhaps allows that all thing to my pillow, don’t wanna see I wonderful chewing me you’re gonna do. Love was just looks quite good, I replied to an efforts the
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Lords in the base only.

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proceed the sofa.

see also

Jim Petty
An oak tree is just a nut that stood it’s ground

Don’t click here

I’m going to see Stigmata in a few hours. I hope it doesn’t suck.

For some reason my coffee came out especially good this morning.

My cat is snoring.

My friend asked me to spy on her brother because she doesn’t have a computer (he has been acting a little bizarre lately). I saw him in a M4M4Cops (or something to that effect). I don’t think I’ll tell her.


Coarse and violent nudity. Occasional language.

My dad called about an hour ago. Asked if we could come down, and drop off my kid. He wants to keep her until Tuesday. I love my dad…

You know what DNA is, DAMMIT, its genetic code on a double helix!

“I’m not dumb. I just have a command of thoroughly useless information.”-- Calvin and Hobbes
\/-------\ | |-----| |

My little cat Orion came home this afternoon :slight_smile: He was outside for over 48 hours! I had thought he was gone, but now he’s back :slight_smile: Yay :slight_smile:

“I hope life isn’t a big joke, because I don’t get it,” Jack Handy

Ooh, thanks, OpalCat, I like the Rosie the Riveter lunchbox :slight_smile: I’ll have to bookmark this page for pay day :slight_smile:

“I hope life isn’t a big joke, because I don’t get it,” Jack Handy

I am a huge fan of both Resolve carpet cleaner and Febreze odor remover. I had spaghettio/tequila puke stains on the floor of my dorm room from the other night, and even 48 hours after the original staining, they lifted out like nothing, and there’s no smell at all. My roommate has no idea they were even there to begin with. I only wish the Resolve would come in smaller bottles so I didn’t have to spend $5 on it. Oh well. But like I said, excellent product.

Hey Jimpy, that sounds a hell of a lot like a Burroughs-style cutup. Is it? (I’m a huge Beat fan, especially Burroughs)

On a scale of 1 to 10, prolly a 7. Not nearly as scary as the advertisements make it out to be, but nevertheless, creapy and entertaining.

I did find the premise of stigmata and the Jesus scrolls that were found in 1945 to be really interesting. I am thinking I might need to take a trip to the library or an internet search engine to find out more about both.


Coarse and violent nudity. Occasional language.

Clearly, the notion of level of grammaticalness appears to correlate rather closely with an abstract underlying order. This suggests that this analysis of a formative as a pair of sets of features is
not quite equivalent to irrelevant intervening contexts in selectional rules. For any transformation which is sufficiently diversified in application to be of any interest, a descriptively adequate grammar delimits a descriptive fact. We will bring evidence in favor of the following thesis: relational information is not to be considered in determining problems of phonemic and morphological analysis.

One complete set of morals for sale to highest bidder, new in box.