Sequels that directly continue last scene of the previous movie

Also, doesn’t Rocky IV pretty much start right after the fight (between Rocky and Apollo) that begins at the end of Rocky III?

The one that first came to mind was Ben (the sequel to Willard).

I came in here to point this out. I think a lot of folks miss this when they see it. The sequel is only a half-sequel, half…is it interquel?

I’ll just go with annoying money grab with almost zero point.

Cameron’s ***Aliens ***pretty much starts right where Scott’s ***Alien ***ended, with Ripley (& Jonesy) in the shuttle, though it’s 57 years later! Fincher’s Alien[sup]3[/sup] did much the same thing (without the long time stretch). The AvP sequel did too, but it sucked too much to bother mentioning…

Most of the serials ever made, going back to the silent film era.

IIRC, Rocky V immediately follows up Rocky IV: in Moscow, our hero notices the just-been-inflicted brain damage because his hands are shaking in the dressing room, as surely as he’s showering off the oh-so-recent sweat of the Drago fight.

After the Third Man takes place a few days after the events of The Third Man. Only a cross-country train ride separates the action.

Mad Wednesday/The Sin of Harold Diddlebock is a sequel to the movie The Freshman; the sequel begins showing the final scenes of the first movie, though it then jumps to 20 years later.

And strangely, in between the time that scene happens in the second movie and the third, it suddenly stops being summer and becomes a cold winter.

What film is this!?

It’s a TV miniseries based on a novel, but War and Remembrance picks up some of its many plotlines moments after where Winds of War ends.

That should be The *Thin *Man.

The Last Days of Patton pretty much picks up where Patton left off.

Damn, I would pay good money to see a sequel to The Third Man

Well, there was a TV series. And a radio show, with Welles reprising his role.

I’m willing to bet The Hunger Games: Catching Fire will do that, at least if it’s anything like the books.

With the books, the chapters end practically mid sentence. I’m sure they do that to give you that ‘can’t put it down’ feeling, but it goes from one book to the next pretty seamlessly as well.
It’s like she wrote one 1000 page book and just randomly made three sections out of it.

REC, Spanish horror movie. Number 2 starts pretty much where the original stopped.

They all do this. They also go from being standard popcorn horror flick to intensely creepy with a claustrophobic feeling of dread.

History of the World Part II (heeheehee)

I believe the events that begin Underworld II come almost instantaneously after Underground I ends.

The last scene of Casablanca blends seamlessly into the start of Woody Allen’s Play it Again, Sam. I remember seeing them on a TV double feature where the station substituted the first scene of PIAS for the last scene of C without commercials (or credits) and it really caught me off guard.