Series you've recently watched, are now watching or have given up on

No, that was only on Sky and we’ve never subscribed to it.

I do have a NOWTV subscribtion that I dip into now and again and I may well take their entertainment package next and give it a go. If it’s the Horrible Histories lot then I’m sure it’ll be appreciated.

Which means you’ve never been able to fully appreciate Stephen Fry’s Cuddly Dick.

Just gave up on THE CROWN. I’d been learning about British history in the 1950s but when they tried to pass off Michael C. Hall as JFK and Clancy Brown as LBJ, I despaired. When they mis-told LBrownJ’s anger at Harold Wilson because he didn’t support his Vietnam policy, I gave up.

No, but I’ve heard it has been widely admired.

We’re watching Landscapers on HBO. It stars Olivia Coleman and David Thewlis (the creepy guy from the “Fargo” series’ 3rd season). It’s based on a real life couple who were imprisoned for murdering the wife’s parents. I really can’t figure out if I like it or not, as the way it’s being presented is just so bizarre. It’s rather Coen-esque, I guess. But it seems like the show runners decided that the story just wasn’t interesting enough to be presented in a straightforward crime story manner, but needed all of these quirky shots and setups in order to keep an audience watching.

We started the second season of Locke and Key and abandoned it halfway through the first episode, as the writing and acting were just terrible. And we realized that we couldn’t remember who the characters even were, or why we should care about any of them.

We started the last season of Dark Matter, of which our enjoyment had been declining with each subsequent season, and we bailed on the first episode because the writing and acting were so bad, and the plot incoherent.

I binged the fifth season of Search Party yesterday. Without spoiling anything, let’s just say it went in a new direction. (Though that’s been typical of the show all along.)

“Lost in Space” on Netflix. I watched the first episode with my sister and then went to bed. She continued to watch episodes two and three without me. I watched episode four with her and missed nothing concerning the plot. I give up.

I started Station 11 last night, watched 2 or 3 episodes. I’ll keep watching. Interesting premise, plus Mackenzie Davis is, as usual, great.

I gave up after episode 2. The first season was a fascinating mystery in a fantasy setting. The second was unpleasantly graphically violent while navigating soapy teen stories.

In the middle of Stay Close on Netflix. Throw a bunch of supposedly random characters together and then find out they’re all (unbeknownst to most of them) connected to each other in the past. The bad guy will, no doubt, be the most obscure of the entire cast.

It’s not just these Harlan Cobin adaptations, but a whole lot of these Limited Series mysteries posit a world where there is no more than one degree of intimate separation between everybody in a large city. If a cop is investigating a case, you can be guaranteed he will have shared the bed of the victim’s lover or his kids will go to school with a suspect’s kids. Or their barber is an eyewitness, or all of the above.

Finished watching the live action Cowboy Bebop. On the whole I enjoyed it - I think it kept to the spirit of the original while fleshing out the characters a little more. Looking forward to the next season.

Bad news on that front, I’m afraid.

Goddamit, Netflix…

I’m still grumpy about them cancelling Dirk Gently just as the show was starting to explain what the hell was going on.

I’d swear we’ve had this interaction before…

Netflix didn’t cancel Dirk Gently. It wasn’t a Netflix show. It was a BBC America show, which cancelled it. (If you’re outside the U.S., it may be that Netflix carried first run episodes in your market, but Netflix had nothing to do with it being cancelled).

I’m just now getting around to Fargo on Hulu. My goodness what a good show. I’m in S2 now and I was afraid it couldn’t get much better after S1. Happy to say I was wrong.

I’m also watching Cheers while I workout. A lot of the humor holds up, but a lot of the jokes would never fly today.

Watched the second episode of Around the World in 80 Days with David Tennant (I would have watched the 1st episode had I been aware of it). I liked it, but a minor plot hole – to cross a bridge they lighten the train, offloading all but one car, most of coal and water. they run out of coal so start chopping wood out the car – fair enough. But somehow they never run out of water… (as pictured the bridge probably couldn’t carry the locomotive alone but I’ll let that slide)


Oh probably, but it’s been a few years. Can I blame Amazon for cancelling The Tick, at least?

I enjoyed 1,2 and 3 pretty much equally but I couldn’t get into 4 at all.

Season two was fantastic, easily the best of them IMO. Season three is also very good and got a lot of positive critical attention. S4 is the weakest of them.