Any of the TM involved in this?
Sounds interesting. What’s the straight dope on it?
Wally Haiku
Any of the TM involved in this?
Sounds interesting. What’s the straight dope on it?
Wally Haiku
I used to use SETI@home, but it always ran for three days, got to 97%, said that the memory partition was full… and started all over again. I tried to increase its memory partition. That didn’t work. I looked on the internet, but I couldn’t find any support, so I haven’t run it for a long time… maybe there’s a new version out by now. Anyone else had this problem?
BTW, this is the PowerMac version I’m talking about.
I have been using it since it came out with no problems… I have a team if you want to join it… you can see it here
(also my team, if you are interested)
if nothing else, it makes a pretty screensaver.
“Cluemobile? You’ve got a pickup…”
OpalCat’s site:
The Teeming Millions Homepage:
Opal and I do SETI some, but I prefer to donate my idle CPU time to the Bovine project. Personally, I just consider it a more fruitful endeavor.
Wow, sweetie! We posted at the same time to the same thread without knowing it! I thought you were still in the shower, did you sneak out and get on the upstairs computer?
“Cluemobile? You’ve got a pickup…”
OpalCat’s site:
The Teeming Millions Homepage:
Either they’re soulmates, or they’ve just been married WAY too long.
I use SETI@Home, I find it to be an extremely worthwhile endeavor. SETI is entirely privately funded, the government does not subsidize this research. Obviously it’s a good idea, for if Cecil can’t educate the Teeming Millions after 20-odd years, it is going to take either divine or extra-terrestrial intervention to do so. I am rooting for the latter.
You can download SETI@Home here:
Awhile back the regulars on formed a group on SETI@home (which I’m part of) and challenged the mopes on misc.facts.straight-dope to see who could complete the most data units, but they chickened out on us, the wimps.
So far I’ve completed 34 data units. To speed up the processing time, set your screen saver to go to a blank screen; it runs much faster when it doesn’t have to keep drawing all of those Fourier transforms.
I’ve been running Seti@Home for a couple of months on my antiquated 90 MHz Pentium machine, and I’ve completed 10 units so far. I’ve never had any problems with it at all.
Somebody implied that they didn’t think that Seti was an important endeavor. I disagree. If we discovered life “out there” it would be the start of a new chapter for humanity.
I’ve been using Seti@Home both here at college and at home. Sadly it took me about a week on my new computer here to pass the amount of work units that we completed at home. I also have the bovine rc5/des encryption cracker from running on my computer here. I use bovine while in windows and complete packets in anywhere from 20-35 minutes. When I boot into Linux I use SETI@Home and complete dataunits in a little less than 8 hours as opposed to the 15ish I was getting in Windows. You can see my stats at for and at for my SETI stats.
I’ve been using Seti@Home both here at college and at home. Sadly it took me about a week on my new computer here to pass the amount of work units that we completed at home. I also have the bovine rc5/des encryption cracker from running on my computer here. I use bovine while in windows and complete packets in anywhere from 20-35 minutes. When I boot into Linux I use SETI@Home and complete dataunits in a little less than 8 hours as opposed to the 15ish I was getting in Windows. You can see my stats at for and at for my SETI stats.
I was going to help with the SETI@home project, but I do so much work on the computer that my screen saver almost never comes on.
Oh well.
– Sylence
And now, for my next trick, I will talk in spooky half-references.
Well, since HeadlessCow posted a link to his bovine stats…
This’ll give stats for me and Opal.
We’re beatin’ ya, Headless.
Show-offs! Although I do notice you’ve been doing it 7 times as long as I have. Hopefully I’ll catch up to you soon…just so I can laugh at you
I have been using SETI@home for a month, aside from the week and a half during which my PowerSpec computer had it’s second hard drive failure in the year and a half during which I had owned it. (consider this a report of Microcenter, and its products, please.) I don’t use the screen saver setting, but run it in the background all the time.
I notice some lags, at times, but not really all that much. I do mostly text based stuff, so that really doesn’t challenge my 233 megaherts set. Intensive graphics stuff would probably not run too well, but I so seldom run that sort of program that I really don’t bother to change it. I also have it set up to go ahead and call in on its own, whenever it needs to. (I don’t use my phone all that much either.)
In some things, it is the journey, not the destination that matters. I have a very good understanding of the realities of detecting other civilizations, given the assumption that the universe is infested with life. We could not detect ourselves, were we living on a star fifty light years away from here, even if our emissions were as high fifty years ago as they are now. Even so, I participate. Looking for other life is at least as important as finding it.
<p align=“center”>Tris</p>
hey, Headless. First one to get down to #1000 buys the other a new computer! (Like any of us would stand a chance)
So, I was wondering, as I checked out my stats, today, and realized that I am no way likely to catch up with the likes of Phil Wang, or anyone. I have been in the top 12 percent of all participants for three months now, gaining a tenth of a percentile every month or so. Then I thought, wait, what about the Teeming Millions? Surely the Teeming Millions would want to get together and form the “Straight Dope from the Stars” or “The Teeming Millions Team.” to get numbers up there, right?
But perhaps it would be even cooler to have the Powers That Be post an “Official Straight Dope Listenin’ to the Sky for the Real Answer Team”. Nothing like official. Anyone else at all interested in this?
Optimist: Person who travels on nothing from nowhere to happiness.
– Mark Twain
I contacted SETI a couple of years ago to get on the SETI@HOME project. I filled out a form and they never got back to me. I guess they had all the help they needed.
Inspiration usually comes during work, rather than before it.
– **Madeleine L’Engle **