Setting Opera as my default broswers under Win XP?

I found this issue on the Microsoft support site last night troubleshooting a different XP issue of my own.

(I tried to post this last night, but the hamsters ate my reply and I was too tired to wait for the server to behave again :slight_smile: )

It doesn’t EXACTLY match your issue, but it does involve the OS not recognizing that something other than IE is the default browser. It won’t hurt to install the listed update, and it wouldn’t surprise me a bit (especially given the list of files it updates) if this helps your issue.


I hate Microsoft. I tried to apply your fix, critter42, but after the files have been extracted, it tells me update.exe is not a valid win32 application. WTF?

Update: I successfully applied your patch, critter (I had downloaded the 64-bit version in error). Heck, I didn’t realize Microsoft even had a 64-bit OS. Unfortunately, the fix didn’t fix anything, at least not that I can tell. Oh well, I’ll just have to deal with it for the time being. Thanks again, everyone.