"Seven Sisters" fantasy scene in tonight's Simpson's episode

ITA with Lamia. I did go to get an education; the dating possibilities honestly didn’t enter into the equation. Both worked out fine. And I honestly don’t know if the lesbian/straight ratio is different at women’s colleges than at coed. Nobody really cared.

And Wellesley, for one, has more applicants than it can handle; may have been The Hillary Factor.

Well because she admitted she was trying (and not trying to take a dive), Plimpton took the deal off the table… so maybe she’ll go to Springfield U. instead ;).

First, I’d like to give a shout out to all the Seven Sisters grads out there!

Green Bean , I’m a Mount Holyoke alumna (class of '95) and damn proud of it! :smiley:


I don’t know which is worse, MHC being a hotbed of radical lesbianism or being too much like Smith. :eek:

Just kidding! I had to do some reseach for a course and visted Smith alot. I liked their campus better. At least they had some form of civilization around them. And the Smithies were cool chicks.

And I second your girlfriend, I didn’t quite get the joke for MHC. Although I did get the joke for Wellesley and Smith. IMHO, Smith’s
connection with lesbianism is due more to the college being located at the “lesbian capital of the Northeast”: Northhampton, MA. I don’t think Smith had any more lesbians than any other of the Seven Sisters.


My high school civics teacher told me that I’d be dating Havard guys if not Yalies at the least! What did I get? UMass and the Coasties! Ugh! :mad:

Seriously, I agree with Lamia. In fact, all the colleges I applied to were women’s colleges.

My alma mater’s version of the bed/wed rhyme: “Smith to bed, Holyoke to wed.”

What’s with all this Smith-bashing? :stuck_out_tongue:


I’d like to see the research done for that project! :dubious:

I went to MHC a flaming heterosexual and I remained a flaming heterosexual on graduation day. Of course, that’s not to say that the thought didn’t cross my mind. But can you blame me? I had only UMass and the Coasties to choose from!

We all know Lisa is going to the finest public school that South Carolina has to offer!

I went to Wellesley in the mid 80s. It wasn’t crawling with lesbians but many of them were very open about their orientation, which was fine. I don’t remember anyone giving a shit one way or the other. My freshman year, several lesbians took the opportunity of “Lake Day” (which was a random day when they’d cancel classes so everyone could enjoy the spring weather) to go topless. A live and let live attitude definitely prevailed.