Why the fuck are there no sex scenes any more? In the mid-to late eighties, every fucking movie has a good hump scene in it, whether it was an action movie, a drama, or a comedy. Where has our desire for bouncing tits in sync with cheesy music gone? Has it simply been replaced with more explosions? I’m fucking sick of it. I don’t want to have to stay up and watch Skinemax for a good titshot. I want to be able to go to a reasonable looking action flick and see some nekkidness reflected off a forty foot wide movie screen.
I’d guess that it’s due to the present tendency of movie studios to bet the bank on star power. In order to draw a big crowd to the theater, the studios feel like they have to include big-name stars, both male and female, in their movies. Established stars (and even people with an eye on stardom) are much much much more reluctant to undress, with some exceptions. So, not much rumpy-pumpy action on the big screen anymore.
The direct-to-video market, however, is booming, and VHS doesn’t require a big name to make sales to video stores. If you’re after sex scenes, check out direct-to-video horror movies, which tend to be a goldmine for 'em and generally more interesting than “romantic dramas”.
Dude, just skip the stinkin’ action movies and go grab yourself “Boob Cruise” or something. Yeesh. Sometimes, the simplest solution is the best one. You want tits? Rent a tit movie! Dumbshit.
Wow, that was my 700th post. How time flies… and how appropriate that I spent my 700th post talkin’ about big sacks of nipple-adorned fat-encased milk-secretion glands.
Friedo, allow me to introduce you to Andy Sidaris. Andy Sidaris, meet Friedo.
(Though personally, I believe that the best looking of the Playmates that appeared in his films, Hope Marie Carlton, has long since gone on to other endeavours.)
While were on the subject – how can they call the recent spate of “teen sex” comedies REAL teen sex comedies. There was more mammary action in one scene in Porky’s than in the whole recent slop combined. C’mon, let’s get with it, Hollywood!!
(LOL) I swear, only you can make “big sacks of nipple-adorned, fat-encased milk-secretion glands” sound hot. Gonna have to call them NAFEMS from now on.
(sorry to hi-jack)
I’m a chick and I can concur. I don’t know how many times I complained that there is too much blowing UP and not enough just plain…oh, forget it. I have such a gutter mind. It’s probably good for me not to see it. But it does seem like the only parts you see nowadays are the ones being blown off the body.