Sexual Harassment/Assault/Workplace Bullying omnibus thread

Mario Batali is the latest in the series:

I think it’s telling how these guys do it so often that they can’t remember the specific person, but are pretty sure they felt her up.

Tom Ashbrook, longtime host of the NPR’s current events show On Point has been suspended for alleged sexual misconduct.

I listen to the podcast of On Point almost daily. I’m really surprised to hear about this and angry at him for apparently being a creep and an a**hole. :mad:

More generally, ISTM that NPR in particular has had quite of number of people removed due to harassment. In addition to this newest guy, there’s also David Sweeney, John Hockenberry, Michael Oreskes, and I think one or two other guys.

[My wife is a regular NPR listener, but her ideology is considerably to the right of that of NPR - she is having a bit of schadenfreude at all this.]

She feels a little good that people have been assaulted or harassed by NPR employees b/c she disagrees w/ them politically? Bizarre reaction.

I can attest to having heard the rumors about Levine’s sexual predation of young men back in the 1990s. But I’m not anywhere near any organization that actually employs or employed Levine, and I don’t know anyone specifically claiming to be a victim, so there’s nothing I could do to corroborate or refute the rumors. That said, if I heard the rumors at my far remove, people much closer to Levine must have known them too.

Sexual harassment is rife right, left and center (FoxNews’s dirty laundry having been aired at the early end of this trend). Government, media, corporations… wherever there is power and inadequate oversight, there one shall find creeps.

She feels a little good that people who are particularly sanctimonious about matters of this sort turn out to have feet of clay in precisely this area.

That when these things come to light, they fire the bastards? What would she rather they do, ignore it like ~35% of the population does with Trump/Moore?

What’s your point?

A multitude of NFL Network analysts and executives have been suspended after a lawsuit was filed for harassment.
NFL Network Suspends Marshall Faulk, Ike Taylor, Heath Evans After Sexual Harassment Lawsuit [UPDATE]?

But the result is that people have been assaulted or harassed; one has to be pretty far removed from empathy to enjoy any part of that.

I can’t speak for Chisquirrel, if that’s who you were questioning, but if I were addressing you, my point would be this: you really are a putrid little piece of slime, aren’t you? No, no, don’t hold back, let all the pus out and maybe it will ease the festering a little bit. And I’m sure your wife is glad that you are airing her out in a public forum as well, although I wouldn’t believe anything you say about her either, not even that she exists.

Why don’t you go and drop your sorry little turds in some other location. Like the surface of the sun.

F-P is trolling. He popped into a thread that’s about naming and shaming these sexual abusers, and had to throw in a political potshot. Nevermind that it makes his wife look like a shitty human being who feels good that people get sexually harassed. That’s not the point. It’s to start an argument with him as the focus.

This thread isn’t about him and what he wants to discuss, so, for once, let’s not turn this into the F-P show. Let’s just keep naming and shaming these assholes.

Your penchant for subtlety may be obscuring your intentions a bit. But reading between the lines, I do believe I can detect an undercurrent of hostility.

Unfortunate, perhaps, but there it is.

I think it’s entirely possible to have political schadenfreude without being happy about the thing prompting the obvious hypocrisy. Sexual assault exists across the political spectrum so it’s not like it’s a surprise to anyone (I hope) that it happens in liberal media organizations, too. The schadenfreude isn’t, “aha! people are being assaulted over here as well!” so much as “aha! You have to air your dirty laundry too, after pretending this was a conservative issue!” I mean, I assume that’s his wife’s reaction. Don’t know her personally.

Here’s an example. Would I feel schadenfreude if, by some miracle of Og, Trump was found guilty of obstruction of justice? Fuck yes I would. Does that mean I’m happy that the President of the United States is obstructing justice? Very obviously not. The shameful joy is in having someone held accountable for something I find repugnant.

Yeah, his admission-of-guilt was along the lines of “Yup, that sure sounds like something I would do.” My wife laughed out loud at the radio report.

I had to give him a tiny amount of props for giving just a straight up admission rather than a weasly non-apology. The weasels undermine the claims of victims whereas those who fess up are at least validating those other victims who come forward. Of course it takes away from the good faith argument that these dudes don’t know they are in the wrong. I have a feeling this guy knew.

Also my mind when I read this story immediately went to that “Master of None” episode about the famous sexually harassing chef. Anyone else? I wonder if Aziz Ansari had anyone specific in mind.

Jezebel is keeping a running list of those who have been accused.