Shall we place a wager?

That the next post will contain win: twenty seven quatloos!

The next three posts after this will have three newcomers.

And you’ll wager…how many?

Besides, you’ve lost. Pony up!

:smack: Damn! Your post lacked win, so that means I didn’t. Here’s your quatloos. * clink *

Awesome. Double or nothing? Or merely vaporize the newcomers?

27 quatloos says the next post will be completely irrelevant.

My head hurts.

I think you lose, Robson - congodwarf posted a responsive reply to your own post. :slight_smile:

72 quatloos says that the next poster will be a member. Or a guest.

I’ll take that bet…Charter, baby! Pay up!

Wanna hear my bet?

You peaked! I win! Send cash or hamsters to PO Box 89.

97 quatloos on congodwarf being a Namibian princess in hiding!

I was half right, so you only get 36.

Alas, you’d be wrong. I am a short elephant (sadly, in recent years, the elephant thing is becoming more accurate).

I peaked? Well, my best years may be behind me, but I’m not down for the count yet!