As a long time player of EVE Online I occasionally like to sing its praises.
Below I have listed a few of the user community created videos for EVE Online. The production values alone make these worth watching. Some amazing skill is present in the playerbase on this count.
Some videos are political in nature (in-game politics) which will be lost on most people however it is worth noting these power struggles are real and complex lending EVE something few other online games have…genuine political intrigue.
These all stream if you have Flash installed.
For starters:
This is EVE: PLayer created tribute to EVE Online. Feels like a professional it was professionally done by the Developers. Good introduction to EVE.
Empyrean Age Teaser: This one is produced by the Developers as a means to introduce Faction Warfare (which brings the NPC factions into conflict allowing more reasons for players to mix it up).
Episode_I: Player created video making up a prelude for Faction Warfare (very stylized video and I like the music he picked…note this was filmed with the old graphics engine but still looks sexy).
No Other Destiny: Another Developer created vid. Best one they have done although all of theirs are good (also old graphics engine).
Tortuga: Details political machinations and the split between once allies (among the biggest in EVE) and one ally’s new venture. Great vid although IMO they spend too long on the lead-in. Second half has some great action.
Clear Skies: Ok…this one is different. It is a 40 minute long video (really) and took the player 2 years to complete. Nevertheless he achieved a wonderful piece of machinima combining EVE Online and the Half-Life engine. Genuinely entertaining. If you’ve got 40 minutes worth a look (you do not even need to know anything about EVE, story stands alone). Funny too.