Tell me about EVE Online

I’ve heard that EVE Online might just me my kind of MMPORG - you don’t even really have to fight, it’s more about community, etc. Is that true? Also, is it fun for somebody who isn’t very good at a lot of games?

I played A Tale in the Desert for a little while and really enjoyed it, although there was kind of a lot of grinding - that one’s kind of hard to explain to other people. “So… who do you fight?” “You don’t fight.” “What do you do, then?” “Make stuff. It’s kind of a community thing.” “You don’t fight?”

So tell me about EVE - is it too “matured” for a newbie? Is it fun? Is it something you can do and enjoy without sinking a metric ass-ton of time into it?

These earlier threads should be useful (the search can work for three letter words if they’re in quotes).

Tell me aobut EVE online (9-19-05)

Eve Online (2-26-06)

Calling all Eve Online players! (4-14-07)

EVE Online is my idea of a perfect MMO, and I wish I could play it more. But the friends I like to hang out with are on other games, so.

EVE is less of a game and more of a persistent virtual world (galaxy, really). The economy is one of the most robust I’ve ever encountered, and it is in fact possible to have a fulfilling career on the game and never engage in fighting.

That’s the key word, though, ‘career’. A lot of it is more like work than goofing off. If you get a kick out of numbers and resource management and profit, you’ll love it.

EVE takes place in a galaxy several millenia in the future, with humans having evolved into four similar but disparate races and cultures. Each of these attained spacefaring technology in their own ways, and by making use of warpgates they’ve been able to travel between solar systems. You play as a ship pilot, and it’s wholly up to you to decide how to make a profit in the game.

It’s not that the end goal is to make a profit, but to do much of anything you’ll need cash. To play with some of the bigger ships and more advanced systems, you’ll need a lot of cash. As I said before, the economy is very robust and players are involved in almost all steps of the process; there’s very few money fountains or sinks. The basic economic cycle operates roughly as such:

Miners extract raw ore from asteroid belts. They sell it to refiners, who turn the ore into minerals which they sell to manufacturers. The manufacturers create ship systems which everyone buys. Combat pilots earn money primarily by collecting bounties on computer-controlled pirates and selling salvage to other players. There’s also a few other professions who contribute to the economic cycle, such as scientists and such, but I never delved that deeply into those areas. There’s also traders, who run cargo from one station to another.

The important thing to note is that the game is not based off a class system. You don’t select Miner as your Profession when you start. Instead, the game is entirely skill-based; the better your Mining skill is, the more efficiently you can extract ore. You can learn any skill for which you have the prerequisites; the only limiting factor is time. Low-level skills can take under an hour to train up to a usable state, while high-level skills can take several months. This allows for an organic growth in your character. Mine started out as a fighter pilot, but eventually learned mining, refining, and trading skills. By the time I stopped playing I almost never engaged in combat.

The game is player-versus-player at all times. However, each solar system is rated for its security level on a scale of 1.0 to 0.0, 1.0 being almost completely safe and secure with 0.0 being utterly lawless. (This refers to computer-guided security; if a player group chooses to patrol a 0.0 sector, that area may be safe as well.) You can have a fulfilling career never straying outside the 1.0-0.8 range and you’ll never encounter someone who wants to destroy you. On the other hand, the lower the system security, the better chance of earning good rewards in combat or mining.

Player groups are known as corporations. You start in the newbie corporation, and from there you can find your own.

I think that’s really it. EVE is basically notable for involving players in every step of the economy and giving them an unprecedented amount of control over what they do in game. It’s a little spartan and can be difficult, but if you like resource management and crafting then you’ll love EVE.

One warning: the learning curve is very steep and can be intimidating to a new player. You may find it overwhelming at first.

That’s all I can think of off the top of my head, and I have to get back to work. :stuck_out_tongue:

You don’t have to fight, except when you do. :stuck_out_tongue:

The first thing to note about EVE is that the entire server is a PvP zone. Now, it’s true that in the core starter areas, i.e. “hi-sec”, players who aggress other players will have their asses handed to them by CONCORD (the NPC police, who always win). But CONCORD responds to aggression, they don’t prevent it, hence threads on the EVE forums started by hi-sec traders whining about “suicide ganking”, the art of blowing up peaceful traders very quickly before being blown up in turn by CONCORD, with friends or alts standing by to steal the loot. And when your ship is blown up, it’s gone, lost forever. The penalty for dying is rather high compared to most mmorpgs.

That said, if you really don’t want to fight it’s vanishingly unlikely that you’ll have to, to any extent that really matters. There are basic precautions you can take to avoid suicide gankers, and there’s a massive, massive economic game that you can play that needn’t involve combat of any type, vs players or npcs. The economic/industrial side of things is virtually limitless. Almost every object in the game is manufactured (or at least can be) by players. All of the best ships are strictly player-made. Billions of isk flow between trade hubs every day, and there’s profit to be made all over the place. If that’s your sort of thing.

Is it more about community? That would all depend on what corp you join. There certainly are corporations that are all about community.

Is it fun? Depends on what you enjoy, of course. If you’re not interested in blowing shit up, that limits you to mining, production, and trading. There’s a ton of gameplay there, but if playing a very detailed economic sim doesn’t turn your crank, you’re unlikely to enjoy it. On the other hand, if you love spreadsheets full of mineral prices, manufacturing costs, buy and sell prices, and projected profits, well, you couldn’t ask for a better game.

I am a horrible nerd, because I adored this part of the game. I used to spend hours figuring out where I should sell my ore, or if it was worth it to refine it first, or what trade routes I should take. There’s a reason the game’s client has a built-in calculator.

It doesn’t need a built in calculator. It needs a build in spreadsheet. Seriously. OpenOffice Calc works for me, though. Not that I’ve played much recently. Caldari Battleship V just completed and I wasn’t logged in once between setting it and changing to Torps V.

I’d check into this game if I was sure my finances would support this and City of Heroes at the same time.

Maybe I’ll join up as a birthday present to myself, in June, when I’m better able to afford two subscriptions.

Aw, what the hell…I’m in; I had forgotten about the extra income that I started getting last month. Got myself a trial account and finished the tutorial last night. My first character is Leo Jager, a Caldari in the Civire bloodline.

Is there a SDMB corporation?

SDMB corporation? Never thought of that, probably there isn’t.
Hope you have fun, wave if you see me (Etumretniw) in space! :slight_smile:

Thanks. I’m a veteran of Elite and Elite Plus so this is my sort of game. I like being able to do my own thing; when I’m soloing CoX I occasionally stand in a safe spot during a mission and just watch TV or read the Dope for a bit. Having an autopilot is great! So is being able to train skills when I’m not even near my computer.

I should be on EVE quite a bit this weekend when I’m not making double XP in CoX. I’ve already requested Friday off. :slight_smile:

I’ve thought of trying it out, but I’m not sure I have the time to put into it. The concept really intrigues me though.

That’s a concern of mine as well. Your character training while you’re offline is a big plus.

I made sure to log in this morning before I left for work and train a skill that won’t complete until after I get home.

That is certainly a plus. I may do the trial and see from there. I’m already in LOTRO, want to play Warhammer when it comes out, play and GM for a MUD that takes a lot of my time and have been dabbling in Pirates Online. (yea yea it’s disney but it’s still an interesting diversion!) I’m not sure I can spread myself any thinner game-time wise.

EVE is, probably, the most enjoyable game I’ve ever played. To get a good overview of the game, I’d suggest taking a look at a 'zine that covers news, tactics and opinion, among other things, about EVE.

EVE Tribune is nearing three solid years of operation, can tell you a heck of a lot about the dynamics or the game, and from what I understand, has one handsome devil of an editor.

I was in LOTRO beta and got the Founder’s sub but it didn’t really hold my interest. Same for Hellgate, which could hold my interest if it didn’t crash so frequently.

Ok, downloading Eve now so I can try it out. We’ll see how it goes.

Word of Warning, using autopilot while not at your ship can cause you to lose your ship. Even if you stay in highsec systems. It stops your warp at 15 km from the gates, then you fly into range to jump. This is a clue to people suicide ganking so they target ships doing it. This is especially dangerous when traveling to Jita or systems leading to it.

I always hit Warp to 0 on the gate, then turn on Autopilot so I jump automatically when I get to the gate, and turn off Autopilot during the jump. This is when I am moving stuff with my transport. When flying somewhere in a shuttle or frigate, Autopilot is a safer proposition in high sec. It is never safe in low sec or 0.0 space.

I have been playing for just under 2 years now. I have periods when I play a lot, mostly mining, manufacturing, and mission running, then I will go for a while just logging on to change skills as they finish. That is what I am doing right now.

There is no SDMB corp that I know of. I am still in the starter corp that I was placed in when created my first character. I don’t play enough to feel right about joining a corp that is active. I am almost always solo, and there are lots of people that have characters in the starter corp that are older than mine. It is the STI corp, depending on how you created your character, you may be in it since it is a Caldari corp for Science and Trade.

You might want to pick up EVEMon to keep track of your character. Once it is set up, you can just start it and it will tell you how much longer it will be for your current skill to finish training. And it has a pretty good skill training planner.

I may be sold, once I get my gaming rig. My wife will understand, I think. I hope.

I still just have the rookie frigate so I’m okay, as long as I pay attention in systems lower than, say, 0.7. Got smoked last night by an NPC pirate in some 0.5 system right when I finished mining.