Share your drive-thru stories please

Ice cappuccino, I’d guess. I know they sell iced coffees at McDonalds. I don’t know about cappuccinos.

Yay! A chance to post a link to Weird Al’s Trapped in the Drive-Thru! :smiley: (Note: Weird Al posted the video to MySpace, himself.)

Iced cappuccino, aka iced capp/ice cap sold at Tim Horton’s. I’ve never worked for McD’s, but there was one about a half block up from the Tim Horton’s I worked at.

In my experience, Carl’s Jr. always takes the longest to serve their customers. One time, I went through the Carl’s Jr. drive thru, and it took them so long to give me my food, by the time I left the place it had turned into Carl’s III.

Thank you, thank you. I’ll be here through Tuesday. Try the veal…

This happened to me and I hope no one saw it. There is a bank where the tellers are all hidden, you can only see them on a video screen so I have no idea if they were watching or not.

I was in my son’s car at the drive-through window. His car sits very low to the ground and I couldn’t reach the transport pod so I did what I usually do in my car; open the window and lean my head and shoulders and arm out the window. I still couldn’t reach so I popped the door open to get that added couple of inches.

His car has those goofy automatic shoulder belts and I felt the belt slide behind my head from left to right. Without thinking I quickly shut the door and pulled my head back inside the car whereupon the seatbelt moved back right to left in front of my head. The shoulder belt is now wrapped completely around my neck. After that it’s kind of a blur but I managed to get out of the situation without strangling myself.

I’m sure they have it all on tape and show it at their office parties.

LOL, I’m glad they stopped making those automatic shoulder belts.

In outer Detroit, my husband and I once encountered the rarest of restaurants…the Emo Bell.

Yes, a Taco Bell staffed entirely by teenage Emo Boys. Our visit through the drive-thru was greeted with a metric ton of eyeliner, some quiet but angsty mumbles about having to work at “a job like this,” and the best phrase ever uttered: “Here’s your Crunchy Spicewrap [sic]…
…or whatever.”

We’ve never forgotten that. Hilarious.

Do you remember where this Taco Bell was? Just curious, I’m from that area and wonder if it’s around one of the more emo suburbs.

Re the concrete lanes so you can’t get out of the line- does anyone know if these are there for any real purpose other than to keep you from getting pissed at the slow service and leaving?

I once ran out of gas in one of these. The people behind me were *pissed *.

When I finally get to writing that comedy script, this scene will be first.

My aunt lived right next to the Burger King when she lived in Denver. The dog became good friends with the BK employees. They’d hook him up with uneaten food ect.

Although one day they were heading through the drive through and he became so enamored he flat jumped out of the car right through the drive through window.

I have no idea except that it wasn’t far from the airport and I was headed for Flint. Hope that helps! It’s actually sort of a legend. “Sit back, kids, and listen to…The Legend of the Emo Bell!” I’m not entirely sure that it actually exists and wasn’t a figment of my imagination…

Other than the usual order errors at fast food places, the most interesting things to happen to me at drive-thrus happened at banks. Once my car overheated and another time there was a guy with a bear in the passenger seat in the car ahead of me. He was the crazy local wildlife rehab guy.

There is a joke in there about Special Sauce, but I’ll be damned if I can find it.

did he ask anyone to supersize it?