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A Whitney Wolverine. I’ve wanted one since I was a kid and the originals have become pricier than I was willing to spend. Once I get it out for testing, I’ll report back on whether I’m as happy with it as I’d hoped to be.

I’m always buying cool stuff for myself that I don’t really need: in the past year I’ve purchased a 5-disc DVD player (most recent), a 30GB video iPod, and an external DVD burner.

Next up will definitely be a new car stereo, one with an auxilliary input for the iPod. And I also keep eyeing a flat-panel monitor for the computer setup at home.

Credit is a dangerous thing to have. :smiley:

No time now to link to stuff:

30gb iPod video
Harbor Freight Mini Mill
Garmin iQue 3600 - This saved my LIFE - I can’t navigate my way out of a wet paper bag.

The Office bought me a 2 Ghz MacBookPro school-girl-giggle There’s NOTHING better than getting a neato cool gadget and having someone ELSE pay for it.

Who needs credit? It was tax refund all the way for me! :slight_smile:

Do your cats shed a lot? How is the Roomba facing up to that particular challenge? It doesn’t look like there’s enough room in there to carry a houseful of cat fur, but if it can, we might want to get one too.

Martha Grimes’ latest in hardcover. I could not wait a whole year for the paperback. I ended up spending over $150 that I really can’t afford right now, but I’ll have my books forever. I’d rather have a book than almost anything.

Speaking of Roombas and fur…I saw a hilarious video of a ferret lounging atop a moving Roomba on TV, but can’t seem to find it online anywhere. :frowning:

Seems like there is definitely some value-added entertainment for that particular gizmo if you have pets, but I’m not sure it is enough to outweigh the clog factor.

We don’t even go to the pound to adopt new pets anymore. For the last three new arrivals, we’ve just scoop up all of the piles of fur and sculpted a new pet. :stuck_out_tongue:

I got a Razr phone on Sunday, just because they were $50 and I’ve never had a cool phone before. Now I’m the definition of hip.

Apple green rhinestone enhanced silver studded Kathy Van Zeeland handbag.
Who NEEDS a purse big enough to carry a baby in, made of green suede?
That would be me…

Sorry: If you have a RAZR, you can only be the definition of HP.


As much as I hate to say this, since I have a black RAZR, those things are no longer hip or even uncommon, and have moved to the common level of “Free with contract!”

Still a very nice phone, though.

Except that RAZRs are made by Motorola, not HP. :slight_smile:

Link? I havetohaveit.

Midway down the page

It actually holds more than I thought it would. It’s a good idea to clean out the brush every time so the fur doesn’t build up. And the first few times I used it, I stopped it after about 30 minutes to see how full it was and it was only about a third full. The design is very simple so it makes cleaning it very easy. My cats are currently shedding quite a bit. It seems to me that the trick is to just vaccuum more often and I do intend to use my canister vac every once in awhile just to make sure all of the edges and baseboards are clean. Unfortunately, Roomba doesn’t do furniture or stairs so I’m stuck doing those myself anyway.

Don’t you mean that RAZRs are made by MTRLA? :wink:


And, what Cluricaun said. :smiley:

So far I am fighting the almost unfightable urge to buy a ticket to see the American Idol tour stop in Louisville KY. The cheap seats are $129. :eek:

I keep telling myself, if they will let me bring Ace Young home with me, I shall splurge on it. But if not, ain’t no way in hell I am spending that much on it.

Maybe…but it will only be his likeness on a $50 t-shirt…

This , the red one on top. I bought it this morning. I know it doesn’t say sold yet, but it’s mine, mine, all mine! Mwahaha! Um, it’s really different from the knitting bag I already have from her and totally different from the one I’ve special-ordered from her. Really. I also recently bought this and this but I used gift certificates for those, so they don’t really count.