Shawn Marion, you fuckin’ crybaby

Well, it’s officially on the record. Shawn Marion wants the Phoenix Suns to trade him. He’s moped about not getting his love from the team and having to share the spotlight with Steve Nash and Stoudemire. He’s tired of the annual trade rumors circulating around him. He wants a 3 year, $60 mil contract extension.

Jesus fucking christ, He’s in his prime (a perennial all-star), making shitloads of money ($34 million over the next two years, highest on the team), and an integral key on a great team with a legitimate shot of getting a championship. You think he’d man up and realize there may never be another opportunity like the present. But noooo…. Shit-fer-brains gets his feelings hurt over the trade rumors and cops an attitude, even suggesting it’s time to move on. Fucking Marion needs to pull his head out and suck it up. It’s business, asshole.

I was so jazzed for the Suns to take it all this coming season, after getting jobbed by the dirty Spurs last season. Now this will be a distraction for the whole team, mark my words. I always hated the thought of the Suns getting rid of Marion, but now that it’s likely inevitable, they should pull the trigger and be done with it. They won’t get equal value in a trade now, but it might be worth it if Marion becomes a cancer. Maybe they could swing a trade with Charlotte for Okafor. Then Marion could enjoy having the spotlight all to himself on a shitty team with not much to play for, but loads of cap money for him to wipe his tears with.

I believe this is my first pit thread. Apologies in advance if it doesn’t meet the current standards of vitriol and indignation.

I hope that Shawn Marion and Antoine Walker end up on the same team, so that we can have plenty of side-by-side photos to determine who has the most oddly-shaped head in professional athletics.

So the guy gets $17M a year for playing basketball. That’s like hitting the lottery every three weeks. And he plays in a free-wheeling system that everyone loves, with the best point guard in the game, and he’s bitching? Cry me a fucking river.

Perhaps they can trade him for a referee to be named later?