Shayna = Bitch

L_C, you should get into football 5 a sides, does wonders for burning off the post quitting weight.

Plus you can pretend to be Dixie Deans again like your childhood, but you wont need jumpers for goalposts…

If a snail is digging a hole and can dig down 3 centimeters a day, how long will it take before that snail has dug its own grave?

Come now, you guys are running up the score. Let it be.

Depends if it stopped smoking and how much it ate since.
Oh, btw Twisty* <whack>*

Aha! I need to be a Euro Doper!

I called Shayna a bitch once… and lived to tell the tale! :wink: (Seriously, she’s the bee’s knees. Love her. Mean it!)

Cisco, I think if you’ve lived and learned, you should apologize.

And Michael Ellis, can we have a link to whatever it is you’re talking about? Much obliged. :smiley:


Jesus. Speak English, would ya?

Mr. Calling, you’d perhaps stand a better chance of retaining your sanity if you weren’t hanging upside down. Or did you misread the sign that read “This end up”, with the arrow pointing toward your head? <under breath> Bachelor end up, indeed! </ub>

Johnny, perhaps you should affect a funny accent and see how it works? I know I’d fall for it!

Mauvaise, you know you’re not off the hook for another visit, either, m’dear.

ultress, Bricker, and everyone else who’s had kind words – thank you. I just really didn’t want to trample the poor kid, as obviously this is a hot topic for him. I mean, he called me a ripe bloody fucking cunt because I reminded him this is The Straight Dope. Obviously the boy has issues and I really didn’t want to send him into complete freakout mode. Yet another meltdown is the last thing we need around here.

There’s so much stress in our world right now – we just lost an entire crew of astronauts in a tragic accident, we’re about to go to war as the agressor/instigator for the first time, I dunno, ever (??), it’s tax time and the economy sucks. Is it any wonder that there are more than a few short tempers around here lately? There are more important battles to be fought, that’s for sure.

Like that Esprix. Now there’s a boy in need of a good, hard spanking. [sub](luv you too, hon!)[/sub] Of course when he called me a bitch, I stomped him like a bug and ended up with 2 marriage proposals out of it, so who knows which approach is best. :wink:

FTR, I called you a bitch. I said I didn’t act like a ripe bloody fucking cunt about it. I thought it was pretty obvious hyperbole.

I guess it’s also pointless to mention that I’m not a poor kid, this isn’t a hot topic for me, I don’t have any issues regarding the sdmb, and it’s not bloody likely that anything you say will send me into complete freakout mode (unless you start badmouthing that Keanu Reeves guy :).)

Oh. Live and don’t learn.

Well, that was certainly my motto for many a long, painful age.

Okay, it’s official. I chosen to dislike you rather than pity you. Virtually every post you make provides more evidence that you’re an immature little weasel who won’t stand behind your own words, nor apologize for them.

In your most recent post:

Your ACTUAL words from your first post (bolding mine):

You were directly addressing her in (a very stupod) rage.

Here you say:

Later on, in reply to iampunha’s astonished comments you say:

So you LIE too. You make direct personal attacks on Members with no thought and no no evidence, apparently based purely on your imagination.

And we, vast majority of who are lucky enough never to have encountered you anywhere else but here, don’t like you FOR NO REASON that you can discern?

:wally :wally :wally :wally

Let me explain. You are a shithead motherfucker who should be banned. You’re a nasty-drunk driver on the information highway.

And I’m not one who throws around much in the way of insults on this board. I’m sure I’ve missed lots of poor posts by others, but you are the sorriest, least worthy Member of the SDMB I’ve ever encountered.

However couched, I read it as a direct insult to Shayna. The only accurate word used is “ripe”, as in mature, and Shayna has certainly shown that in her replies here. Cisco, it might do you some good to search Shayna’s past posts here. She’s not as active, I think, as I’m not as active either. When she was more active, she was a unifying force, a very kind heart who always went out of her way to make this board a better place. I assume you don’t know that history, because you wouldn’t have posted this at all. Please do that search, so you know that your angry post was misinformed, and why the responses seem to be so against you.

Change doesn’t mean “you lose”, most often it means," oops, I just didn’t see that at the time". Every single one of us has had that experience, and there’s no shame in realizing it. Apologies are just “oops”, with the grace of some time of thought. My two cents, and a dollar extry (since yer in the South and all).

What exactly did I lie about?

I made a direct personal attack on Shayna because I thought she was being rude to me with very little reason. I’ve forgotton all about that now and I’ve gotten the impression that she is probably a pretty nice poster that I would like if I got to know.

YOU seem more bent out of shape about this than me, shayna, and every other poster in this thread (except maybe Michael Ellis) put together. What gives?

Let me show where you lie. Bolding is mine.



You, in direct reponse to iampunha:

You just made it up, and admitted it, and you don’t think this is a lie? I’m bent out of shape because your behavior verges on sociopathic.

My own father made horrible personal verbal attacks on everyone in the family. Often, five minutes later he seemed to have “forgotten all about it”, never acknowledging (or apparently realizing) the ugliness he displayed so casually.

You’ve forgotten about it? Did I miss your APOLOGY to her? You saying “because I thought she was being rude to me with very little reason.”, implies to me that you’re at least having second thoughts about the validity of your attack. But you just can’t bring yourself to come out and apologize.

You’re a self-righteous prick.

On the SDMB? :faints:


Here I step into the crossfire that’s died down… guess what, yeah, she can be a bitch.

Yeah, Shayna.

The woman who told me [in essence] I was the most inhumane person possible for letting my cats outside, and after misinterpreting one of my posts, refused to respond any further. I guess I should be vivisecting kittens instead, hmm?

But she’s VERY openminded to other’s POV. Right? Right.

She may not remember. I really don’t care. But my ‘image’ of her is forever tainted by that. Everyone has their ‘trigger’ issues, but I hate to see everyone drooling all over her here when she has most definately shown an ugly side… even if noone else noticed.

:confused: I made what up? This is really simple, I would draw you a picture if I could but I hope this step-by-step is enough:

#1 - I said I’ve noticed iampunha

#2 - He said he hadn’t noticed me, and that he doesn’t often note who is saying what

#3 - I said I don’t notice many people either, but I thought maybe he did [notice a lot of other posters]

Where is the lie here? It seems like you’re reading into something that’s not there.

Ohhh Shayna, the light of my life
You lift me up, from the depths of strife
Warm me up inside
When I’m feeling sick
Make me want to steer away
from being a self righteous prick
Ohh Shayna, I see it in your eyes
the light, the love
that makes me want to

Feel better yojimboguy?

While we’re on the subject of less-than-truthful responses…

So which part of this have you forgotten now? That you made a direct personal attack or that you thought she was being rude to you for no reason? And FTR, Shayna reacted with major class in not tearing you a personal, life-sized “cunt” for the insult you gave her (let’s remember, folks, Shayna’s intense personal distaste for the word.).

And to the whole “this thread makes no less than three times where iampunha has negatively commented at me” or whatever, then the backtrack “I thought maybe you did, because I know a lot of posters do.” … most humans are able to grow a spine prenatally. Clearly more research is needed to determine what happens to those who do not. My congratulations on surviving this far into your life. And who do you know (not “think maybe they did”) who has directed three negative comments to you in the past however many years/months/weeks/days/posts? Do you have some massive spreadsheet with every poster’s name and the number of times they’ve directed a negative comment at you, complete with dates, times, fora, thread ID, ensuing pit thread (if any)?

Pretty fucking pathetic, either keeping a running count of that shit or having to fucking make it up for whatever reason.

Forgotten as in ‘let it go.’

You misread me. I said I knew you did, because not a lot of posters do, and you happened to be one of the posters I liked, so when you made negative comments I took note of them.

1, 2, 3


I’m no math wizard, but including those 3 examples (all of which were from the same, relatively tame exchange) mean “this thread makes no less than four times where iampunha has negatively commented at (you)?”