Shepherd "Best Book" site

This seemed like an appropriate place for this site. It isn’t really selling things directly, but it does direct you to where you can buy them. So I figured “Marketplace” was the right forum.

The website “Shepherd” has entries by authors who make up lists of books similar to theirs in some way, and they put a title on the set “Five Best Books About [Topic]”

Here’s the general link to the site –

The reason that I’m posting this is that they approached me and asked me to make a list of books similar to my first book, Medusa: Solving the Mystery of the Gorgon. It seemed like a fun exercise, as well as a way to publicize my book.

So here’s my entry – “The Best Books Explaining the Unexpected Truths Behind Myths” (although I’d have stated it a little differently)

They asked me to help spread the word, so here it is. For the record, I really do like these books, and have read them multiple times (especially Willy Ley and T.H. White). There are several others I could easily add, like Odell Shepard’s The Lore of the Unicorn or Adrienne Mayor’s other books, or L. Sprague de Camp’s Lost Continents, but these five will do.

Very nice.

You probably would quibble about the amount mythology debunked, but my head went straight to Martin Gardner’s Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science. Then I jumped to The Prevalence of Nonsense and its sequel The Ignorance of Certainty by Ashley Montagu and Edward Darling as classic texts.

There will always be a need for such books, sadly enough.

Go9od books. I’ve re-read my copy of Gardner to death.

I might also mention he classic debunking books A Natural History of Nonsense and On the Spoor of Spooks by Bergan Evans, the proto-Cecil, as well as the even earlier Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds by Charles MacKay.

But, fun and, indeed, also essential as these books are, they don’t really deal with myths, mythical creatures, and mythology (unless you stretch the definition a bit too far).

Nice! Week before last, I assembled a list of “comparable titles” for when I’m querying my next book. I just went in and entered those authors and now I’ve got some attractive recommendations!

(I’ve also signed up as interested in participating as an author, will see how they reply. I’m small change and don’t cast much of a shadow, but this would be quite cool)