She's back! Palin endorses Trump

Humorously this is probably the least wacky endorsement Trump has gotten so far. He got an actual former Governer and VP nominee from the party… even if she’s a national laughingstock. Compared to David Duke and Tom Brady this is a positively mainstream endorsement.

Is it too late to tell King George that we are all very sorry about that little incident at Concord & Lexington? Just high spirits, you know. Boys being boys.

Oh, no. You broke it, you bought it.

You haven’t been keeping up with the news.

That’s unpossible.

If there was ever any doubt, Trump seeking an endorsement from this brainless twat confirms that he is as big a moron as she is.

Did anyone tell Trump how things worked out for the last politician that Palin endorsed? She briefly became a national celebrity and pretty much eclipsed poor John M.

Yeah maybe she be on SNL this weekend !

I think it’s cute that they both think this matters.

Cuter still is her desire to be Secretary of Energy to eliminate restrictions on the oil & gas industry (really controlled by Dept of the Interior).

(Just for grins, my FB feed today told me that the Tundra Tart had spilled the beans that her mother, Caribou Barbie, was going to endorse The Donald)

McCain is hardly the last candidate she endorsed.

Did he “seek” it?

But in anycase, she still has a decent amount of pull with GOP primary voters. And as DinoR points out, at least compared to other Trump endorses, she counts as an establishment figure. I suspect her endorsement might end up shaking loose a few other minor GOP office holders to follow suit.

So moron or not, as far as getting the nomination goes, its probably a good thing for Trump.

Let’s not allow Daughter of John Wayne’s endorsement of Trump to go overshadowed. Today, she endorsed The Donald in front of a life-size, rifle toting dummy of The Duke in full-ass cowboy costume!

Looks like Don’s really trying to nail down the lady vote now!

…with Amy Poehler in a suit, full orange-face, white eye-lid make-up, and a badly-spun cotton candy blonde wig…?

Next you’ll say they might have a movie to promote… :stuck_out_tongue:

The news bit I saw said that her appearance drew a “lukewarm reception” from the assembled folks. I don’t think she’s as popular as she thinks she is.

Find another new source. She had the crowd cheering.

Oh please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please. I don’t ask for much so just this one time!

Anyone thinking Jon Stewart is kicking himself right now? Or maybe he’s planning to pull a Leno.

I can’t imagine trump picking a running mate. He’s that egotistical.

Yeah, but that was a “show me your boobs” cheer.

Excellent. Palin was one of the few “Tea Partiers” who was a genuine woman of the people (for example she supported taxes on oil companies as governor which her Kochservative successor repealed) and wasn’t entirely a creature of the plutocrat fifth columnists.

I just watched a good 10 minute chunk of her speech and good Og was she incoherent or what. I actually wondered a few times if she was drunk. And I have to agree with Chefguy, the audience response was seriously tepid at best.

Time to get started on that Trump/Palin fan-fiction.