Shipping prescriptions from the US to Australia

I’m currently living for a year in Australia. There are a couple prescription medications I take, which are all provided at no cost to myself through the VA. The VA will not ship prescriptions overseas. Rather than spend a hundred bucks on a trip to clinic here, finding a substitute for one of my medications that’s not available here, and spending another couple hundred on prescriptions, and then waiting months for the VA to reimburse me, I’d much rather paypal $50 to my mother and have her ship my VA refill to me here.

I found this site from the Australian Department of Health saying I can import “therapeutic goods” for personal use. So it shouldn’t be a problem, right?

However, the USPS site says that “Permission of the Australian Director-General of Health is required to import medications”, which my mother is taking to mean she can’t send me my own prescriptions with the original pharmacy label.

Does anyone have any experience or guidance with this? One of my meds is apparently unavailable in Australia, and regardless, I’d really prefer not to be out a couple hundred dollars (because I have no idea if I could even get reimbursed for the full amount).

Why not email them at

You could give them all the specific details of the drug, and your reasons for wishing to import it for personal use and see what they say.

Have you tried shipping with DHL? The Australian customs would allow them in if you followed the directions on your link.