Shirley's Big Game Lottery Contest: Enter today!

Dude, 11 is MY number! If I won the lottery, I would pay off my college loans, and put aside enough to pay for graduate school, pay off my parents’ mortgage, and send them on a trip somewhere they’ve never been. Although I’ve graduated and now have a job, I still feel like a broke college student, and I can’t imagine doing lots of extravagant things. I’ve never even played the lottery, that’s how much of a tightwad I am.

I would buy and destroy every copy of Breakfast Club in existence.

I would find David Patrick Kelly’s agent and find a script with a male lead role that, if he played it, would make him a star, then finance it.

I would buy a house for each of my parents.

I would buy a house for myself and Mr. Rilch, and commission my dream kitchen in it.

I would get my overbite fixed.

My number is 17.

My number is 4.

I would pay off my bills (student loans).

I would hire a personal trainer to help me get in shape for starting a family.

I would buy a new car, nothing fancy, a station wagon or van or something. Then I would drive around my town looking for some family with a broken-down, old car. Then I would offer to give them the car. Just give them the new car, no strings attached. I’ve always had this fantasy that this would happen to me so I will make it true for someone else.

I will set up college funds for the kids I will have.

I will start my Slacker Scholarship.

I will open a real no-kill animal shelter.

I will donate to various organizations that feed hungry children–no one should ever go hungry for any reason.

I will open a children’s bookstore–my dream. It will not contain crappy things like books on how to collect Pokeman cards or Barney’s Adventure books. It will have Shel Silverstein, Edward Gorey, all the things I loved when I was little. It will have lots of little nooks that kids can curl up in and get lost in books. I will have a Saturday afternoon storytelling session.

Being the benevolent idiot that I am, I should also state that multiple submissions are allowed, but your lucky number stays the same.

Also, the dead line is Tuesday 6pm.

As it is 8am on Monday, I fully expect to see more entries rolling in around 9-930am after the java begins its drug addicted hold on everyones brains and the drone-ness of your jobs grabs you around the neck and squeezes you for another 40 hours.

And if we should happen to win, I’d buy the house next to Shirleys, so she wouldn’t have to put up with her annoying neighbors anymore. Then we could have coffee at each other’s houses every morning and talk about all of the other neighbors and our dipwad in laws.

I would give a big wad to charity, especially evilbeth’s Slacker Scholarship fund.

My parents are pretty well off, but I’d buy my dad the cadillac of lazy-boys and give a lot of money to my mother’s church even though I don’t believe in god.

Of course, I’d save for my son’s education, but I’m not going to put any of it in his name. Damn it, if he wants money, he’s going to have to win it in the lottery like I did.

I would give my husband a week off to party like it’s 1994 (the last time he claims he had any fun).

And of course, I’m going to buy myself one teeny tinny doggie and one great big doggie. And buy them matching sweaters and take their pictures. Hee Hee, maybe I’ll train the little one to ride on the big one’s back. What good is being rich if you can’t be eccentric?

A few things I would do :

Spoil my parents for putting up with their brats all these years.

Pay my siblings’ student loans off.

Give money to a few charities.

Take off and travel the world.

Throw the mother of all parties.

Yeah, I know I’m not being original. :wink:

My number is 5.

Ahh with the money I would do the things I want to do.
Paint all day and sculpt and at other times volunteer at an animal shelter. Give some money away and live comfortably and simply.

Lucky number 14!!!

Good luck shirley whether you use my number or not.

I would buy my girlfriend the engagement ring that she wants, and I can’t afford, yet.

I would hire my friend as a financial advisor and invest wisely so that I could quit my job and focus my attention on becoming either a professional golfer or musician.

I would take my girlfriend, parents, sister and brother-in-law on a vacation to the destination of their choice.

I would set up college funds for everyone in my family as well as my girlfriend’s family.

I would donate money to the school district I teach in now.

I would throw one hell of a party.

I would contribute heavily to cancer research.

In my spare time, I would take cooking classes as well as art classes.

I would take about 2 or 3 hundred thousand dollars, and go on a shopping spree (clothes, electronics, cars etc.)

I’m not sure what it would be, but I would open a business of some sort that my girlfriend (or by that time, my wife) and I could work at so we wouldn’t get bored. Perhaps a bookstore or coffee shop or both.

That’s about it. My lucky number is 22.

Thanks for your consideration.

  1. Buy a load of Rheus Monkeys and hold Civil War recreations in my back yard.

  2. All Stones, All the time…

3)Bring Shirley, and a host of other Dopers on a week-long break in an Irish Castle.

  1. Donate Heavily to National Council for the Blind

5)Build a large Studio and Record Label, called ShirleyDope

Wow, some of you are supreme butt kissers and I have to tell you, I like it!

I can’t believe that I haven’t had more sign up for this most excellent chance to have Bill Gates as your personal cabana boy. Ok, that’s a visual we can all live without, but you get my drift.

I want to see more postings, dammit!

I’m sorry, but I don’t get involved in any Lottery connected with anyone named Shirley. I made that mistake with Shirley Jackson once. :eek:

And I would use my winnings to pay off my house and go back to school. I’d like to get a graduate degree in Psychology so I could do research on ADD & work with teens w/ ADD.


i both a pile of goats, and a copy of maya unlimited.

oh, million?

i would also like an HDW700 HDCAM camera.

and a few more goats.

…and Shirley, i would share my goats.

I would just like to add that I would buy Kilgore Trout some goats. And I would hire Bill Gates to be Shirley’s personal cabana boy.

Did I forget to mention that I amgoing to name my children’s bookstore “Shirley Ujest”?

Also, I will buy a nifty new banner ad from the Chicago Reader to be placed on the board pages.

And I will fund the publishing of Shirley’s book, “1001 Ways to be Thrifty and Frugal Around the House.”

How could I forget that I will hire a maid/chef for Shirley as well? (And a maid for me, too!)

Only ten more hours to kiss my butt and get a chance at winning gobs of money. If you are looking for an excellent example of brown nosing, look no farther than Evilbeth :slight_smile:

Thank you, thank you very much!

I will also be starting a campaign to have a photo of me placed next to the word, “sycophant” in all dictionaries.

I would move back to my family in Missouri and actually be able to live in a house or apartment… and I wouldnt feel trapped in this horrible relationship, a thousand miles away from those I love.

I would move back to my family in Missouri and actually be able to live in a house or apartment… and I wouldnt feel trapped in this horrible relationship, a thousand miles away from those I love.

oh my number? 32