Shirley's People Poll #2, A serious question

Forget about anthrax.
Push in the back of your mind Osama Bin Laden and his crew of wacked out fruitcakes.

This is what I really really really want to know:

What is your favorite kind of potato chip?

BBQ Ruffles

I’ve always been partial to Garlic & Onion. Second would be Sour Cream & Cheddar, then Sour Cream & Onion. They need to make a Garlic & Onion & Sour Cream & Cheddar chip (mmmm…)

I’m partial to sour cream & onion, and salt & vinegar.

All you people can kiss my ass.

Original. Baby, that is all you need. Straight up.

O·rig·i·nal** (-rj-nl) adj.
Preceding all others in time; first.

Not derived from something else; fresh and unusual: an original play, not an adaptation.
Showing a marked departure from previous practice; new: a truly original approach. See Synonyms at new.
Productive of new things or new ideas; inventive: an original mind.
Being the source from which a copy, reproduction, or translation is made.

n. - A first form from which other forms are made or developed: Later models of the car retained many features of the original. An authentic work of art: bought an original, not a print. Work that has been composed firsthand: kept the original but sent a photocopy to his publisher. A person who is appealingly odd or curious; a character. Archaic. The source from which something arises; an originator.
That’s right. The originator! The best! All other kinds just taste nasty to me.

The only acceptable kind of potato chip is the Sour Cream and Chedder Baked Ruffles. Nothing else even comes close. :smiley:

Regular Ruffles.

They are so versatile… you can add them to a tunasalad sandwich, they make a great spoon for black bean soup, all kinds of other good stuff.

Yuck! Original chips suck. They’re so bland and flavorless.

If we’re going to name brands, the top three are:

  1. Wise Onion & Garlic
  2. Ruffles Sour Cream & Cheddar
  3. Any kind of Sour Cream & Onion

Tostitos. Mit salsa.

Plain. Or Salt & Vinegar, although those are deadly when one has a papercut.

Don’t do potato chips at all. Well, I will at parties if there’s sour cream and onion dip, but only plain chips and I wouldn’t know the difference between brands at all.

Baked Lays. Or Baked Tostitos, if I have salsa handy (who am I kidding, I always have salsa handy).

I started eating them because I wanted to cut down on fat, but nowadays the regular chips just taste too greasy for me.

Well, Erik Estrada was pretty…

Oh, I’m sorry, potato chips. I take the regional approach: When I lived in Ohio, I ate Snyder’s. In Baltimer, it was Utz’s. Now I’m in northern Indiana and the choice is Jay’s. I like plain old regular chips that are just potato flavor - they go so well with cream cheese dip.

BBQ or Jalapenos. If I feel like weird chips, then poutine.

[Hmmm…methink this is more suited to IMHO]

I gotta say my favorite is a toss up between BBQ and Salt and Vinegar. Depending on the brand, I could go either way. Lay’s makes a good Salt and Vinegat, but the BBQ leaves something to be desired. Herr’s makes a really good BBQ, but it’s hard to get out of PA. Normally, I get my BBQ from Wise.

(And if you think salt and vinegar are bad with a paper vut, racinchikki, you have obviously never cut the roof of your mouth with a S & V chip. Now THAT’S painful, youch!)

bouv, I know what you mean but now I can’t shake the image of jackbooted Snack Police searching cars at roadblocks on the Pennsylvania frontier.

“Tryink to zneek chips out of ze Commonvelth, nein? Und zis? Shoofly pie? Ach du lieber! Come mit me, pleaze. . .”

As for good tater chips, nothing can beat Utz’ Home Style. Crunchy and just the right blend of salty/potato flavor, and strong enough to dip without fear of collapse.


No ruffles, no ridges. They capture too much salt, for one thing, and they just aren’t real potato chips.

I like Lays, or Utz when I can get them. Plain ol’ original.

Tostitos are good too.

Tim’s Cascade BBQ. Ambrosia.

If anyone says Pringle’s, we’ll finish this thread in the pit.

That is all. Carry on.

wachusett brand potato chips are number one. only available in central mass. state line potato chips are a close second. available across most of new england. i live in oakland CA and i can tell you that there are no palatable potato chips out here. frickin lays are the best, ick!