Shitty ass apartment

spooje, that is exactly the kind of thing that pisses me off. Once the ink is dry on the contract, apartment managers turn into complete jerks. They flat out ignore you because they know they have you by the balls.

It’s not like I had any power to negotiate the damn contract in the first place. I had to take whatever I could find and they know it. Obviously I don’t have any money or else I’d be buying a house instead of renting in the ghetto.

And yeah, I know there law loopholes and housing authorities. But those only guarantee a very basic standard of living and don’t grant tenants much recourse. It’s the same bullshit as always: the wealthy politically connected exploit the poor for all they’re worth.

Most major cities have a legal aid organization that deals with renters’ issues, and most states and cities have minimum requirements that a landlord has to meet. If you can’t work it out with your landlord, you should try contacting an aid organization.

Mister Obama, I don’t know nuthin bout birthin’ no babies!!!

You really couldn’t tell he wasn’t serious?

I can’t speak for anyone else, but I really didn’t care.

It was obvious to me that he wasn’t serious.

I think it was probably obvious to most people.

If dogs weren’t allowed when you signed and he subsequently allowed them, then you have a valid complaint against your management. But I’m not sure what you wanted the manager to do about the other tenants. Tell them they can’t walk around or cook non-spooje approved meals in their own apartment?

Get some diatomacious earth, & sprinkle it everyplace dry.

That should clear up any number of bug problems.

I sympathise, it absolutely sucks when you can’t enjoy living in your own home. I’m in a similar position, but unfortunately I own my flat.

Yes, I found his obviousness painfully obvious.

That we have just been being hosed by landlords with money and power for many, many decades.

And not just in this country.

In Every country and on Every Continent.

AMERICANS are ‘Special’ of course, because their Government has OBAMACARE.

Still…no “Rent Assistance” …no ‘Sector-7 Housing’ stuff…

Just real estage agents and connections to folks with lots and lots and lots and lots of dollars and connections to other folks with the same…

…sit…and talk…and “assess” “WHAT TO DO” with the tenants the world over.

Where to turn. Where to twist. Where to be a ‘cheerleader.’

ANYthing. EVERYthing. Whatever it takes to keep the rubes in Chicago and Boston and NYC and Pittsburgh to keeeeeeeep believing that , They, ‘One Day Too’…can

(As it HAS worked in America for decades.)

He he he.

It HAS worked to keep EARNING for the top 1% the world over.

These DIPSHITS the world over whose BILLIONS of square footage requires of us to to wonder…just how many hours of work per year brought them this wealth.

He he he… Mostly…NONE.

And YET… from one form of rental contract to another…they are able to pit one slavish wage-earner against another and crank about the ‘form of the security deposit, or the condition of the carpets or the freakin’, stupid Rentors Association in the United States…

It matters not.

WE are the folks who provide the OCCUPANCY to earn WEALTH.

Freakin’ forget about MAIN STREET.

Let them play.

When people quit living… the ‘Landlord Game’ is done.


Well done! You have the style down pat, but it’s still just a wee bit too intelligible.

Who do you think you are? Paul Avery?

That rug really tied the room together.

Dude, you don’t know from horrible apartments. The problems you have suck for sure but are fairly easy to deal with on an individual level. I promise your local drug store sells ant bait and DE is really pretty cheap so that will end your ant problem. If the landlord won’t send someone to repair the A/C ask if you can call a repair guy or buy a new one if it is a window unit and take that money out of your monthly rent payment. Most non-sucky landlords are cool with that option because it takes all the work out of their hands and still gets the job done. You may also want to ask if he will allow you to take the cost of steam cleaning the carpet out of the rent if the nasty carpet was that way before you moved in or was only made disgusting by the leaking A/C. If he won’t budge on the carpet you should still be able to rent a steam cleaner from your local grocery store for a minimal fee and de-nastify your carpet. It would be worth the cost out of your pocket for the improved living situation.

The washers not working and the shitty neighbors I can’t really help you with though. If they are pay washers and not something that is supposed to be free with your rent you might just want to go to the nearest laundromat and not deal with the crappy machines at all, but otherwise I’ve got nothing for that problem.

Well, I must give credit where credit’s due. I copied my post almost exactly from this OP of lurking guest. (Can we all just agree... - The BBQ Pit - Straight Dope Message Board) I merely substituted a few words here and there. If the post seemed intelligible, it is only because it has a context attached to it instead of being the start of a new thread.

Oh, Auto, you really are Special. :slight_smile:

Wait until Barack Hussein Obama keeps your security deposit for no good god damn reason. Then you’ll really be pissed.

I learned this with landlords They don’t fix complaints about stuff the cops would deal with. Call the cops. The landlords will bitch that your calling the cops, but guess what. They don’t do anything about the bad stuff, and they sure can’t stop you from calling the law.

Tell the people that tour your apartment all the problems that the landlord ignored. Demonstrate the problems for them.

They are not walking. They are stomping. It’s not that I hear them, its that I feel them. I see movement in the drink on my coffee table. I would not be suprised to see pieces of the ceiling come down. They are pretty silent before 10 PM, then they get active and keep going into the wee hours.

People should be able to cook and eat what they want in their own place. But they should be mindful of their neighbors. And they should*** close their doors***! I have to pass by this place on my way to the parking lot. I hold my breath to keep from gagging. I swear, I could boil a big pot of my own excrement for hours with the door open and it would only improve the smell in hallway.