Shitty ass apartment

There’s ants everywhere, the landlord won’t fix the leaking a/c, the carpet is nasty, there’s loud ass drunk/high college kids everywhere and the washers don’t clean my clothes.

There should be a lemon law for apartments. You reading this Obama??

I have hemorroids. What are you going to do about that, Obama?

My stomach keeps hurting. What are you doing about that, President Obama?

I don’t think Obama has any apartments to rent.

At least you’ve got Obamacare for your problems… I ain’t got shit.

What’s Obama going to do about the poor quality rants in the pit, eh? Fix that one Mr. President!

You don’t even know what “Obamacare” is, do you? It’s just a handy catch phrase you heard from a talking head.

When we gonna get some new talking heads, Meeeester President?

I don’t got no Obamacare.

Oh good god people I was being facetious about Obama. I’ll put a smiley or something next time.
I’d compose a better rant but I didn’t get much sleep last night.

I don’t need no doctor, ‘cuz I know what’s ailin’ me.

My job sucks, fix that Obama. I live in England so you might have to invade or something, but hey, that might get the tea people of your back!

Smileys? We don’t need no stinkin’ smilies!

I understand that Obama managed to ram the Nasty Carpet Act of 2010 through Congress just before they left on summer vacation, but I’m afraid the OP is pretty much screwed concerning his other problems.

Can we assume you did yours before moving in? The carpet should have been obvious unless that was caused by the AC leak you point out. Apartments are a crap shoot. You don’t know who your neighbors will be and that changes if you stay. I feel your pain. Try to adapt by going to the laundromat instead. Talk to the neighbors if you can, although this can cause problems too. Look for options to move. Read your lease closely for loopholes. If you are month-to-month, start looking to move next month. Perhaps buying could be an option with the low interest rates and programs. Obama could help you there-maybe.

Well of course Obama is going to fix the carpets. He can’t very well force the country into Mohammedism without suitable bow/pray carpets now can he?

Is there a local or state housing authority? Often municipalities have laws that cover this sort of stuff.

Don’t blame us for your composing an OP that sounds exactly like every other stupid complaint about your current government.

I didn’t read it that way.

My apartment also sucks.

it was OK when I moved in. 5 months in, I got an upstairs neightbor that cannot understand that their footsteps can be hear through the floor. I got a new neighbor down the hall that cooks the most awful smelling concoction (fish heads and entrails with cayenne papper, I’m guessing). The manager has taken to renting to kids fresh out of high school, and is now letting in dogs. Neighbors keeping them on their balconies where they bark at all hours of night.

I complained. In person, and in writing. The manager doesn’t care. I asked that move me to another apartment. Denied. I asked that they let me out of the lease. DENIED!

BUT, I am moving in 6 days!!! My lease is up, finally! I told the management they can kiss my ontimerentpayingrespectfulofmyneighbors ass.