Shiver Me Timbers! A Pirate MMP

Nellie, woohoo! Teela, I hope you recover soon. Wheelz, any rain is good.

Let’s see if I can do this MMPly: Yawn. Tired from vacuumage an’ cat litter changin’. Now to keep procrastinatin’.

Also: Yarrr.

Keep yer d@mn fingers out of the log splitter this time flyboy!

Moooooom, my dad is aging in his home with a couple of home health aids who come in to put on / take off his compression stockings (and make a twice a day welfare check), help him with bathing, clean his house and drive him where he needs to go. He estimates that he spends $900-1000 a month for that. Still way less expensive than assisted living.

shady, Shoney’s used to be like that when switching from the breakfast buffet to weekend lunch / dinner buffet.

{{{bat boy}}} I’ve had jobs like that. One of them was a great relief when they terminated me.

Yee-haw nellie! Here’s hoping that this lens works.

Arrrrrrrrr! 'Twas a summer Monday all day. We are getting higher temps than normal for the next couple of days, then autumn will poke her head back in before the weekend.

Stay safe and healthy y’all!

I am so sorry. (How could they have cut back climbing roses by accident? It’s not like you can mistake them for trumpet vine or something else similarly invasive.)

From what little I know of roses, though (barring that horrid virus) those thorny, lovely bastards come back with a vengeance if cut back.

Unless you pulled a muscle (or fractured a rib) I’m guessing your “prayers” were the equivalent of “abs day” at the gym. And hey, glute strengthening exercises!

(Note: I am not yours, or anybody’s, personal trainer. My opinions are worth less than what you paid for them. Etc.)

It was not an accident. Hubs doesn’t like plants and trees. If he had his way our landscaping would be 10 tons of river gravel with absolutely nothing green left.

He also forgets that if he has a tree or plant that I like taken out, we are going to spend more money to replant and our water bill will go up because babby plants need more water than mature roses or trees. I’m thinking Honeysuckle or Star Jasmin if the roses don’t come back. I did spend some time looking at GG’s family album, but I think one big goofball is enough.

nellie I am really hoping that your next post will be filled with joy and good vision.

Howdy Y’all! Home from men’s night over to the church house. As usual, a good time was had by all and we solved the problems of the world. Of course, as usual, nobody listens to us, so the problems remain. C’est la vie! I am ready now for some Netflix (still rewatchin’ The Crown) and chill time.

Dang, y’all have been chatty today! I promise to catch up on all the doin’s and carryin’s on tomorrow.

Nitey Nite Y’all!

La vie.

Waiting area at the tire shop. Yay. Plus side, it’s not hideously expensive. Minus side, could take an hour or so. They’re very busy.

That’s just the way it goes.

Yeah, I got the c’est/say joke…but Robbie Nevil popped into my head and then I had no choice!

And I’m home from the tire shop. Spent about half the time there they estimated when I checked in, which is nice. VERY tired, probably crashing soon.

Before BIL signs on the dotted line for a living space, plug in your(his) zip code and get him talking to your local area on aging. They are a one stop shop (supported by your tax dollar state, federal and county dollars.

They could help steer him into making good choices in living arrangements, transportation, etc. Some have case managers which he will need if he outlives FCD.

My aging agency is open to all 60 and older.

The Spousal Unit is looking for tires for her RAV4. So far, the cheapest she’s found was $120/tire at Discount Tires. Costco has Bridgestones for $150/tire. She’s going to go to Wal-Mart tomorrow to see what they have.

Costco has good deals on tires. You can save more than the$60 annual membership fee.

She’s thinking about half what Costco charges.

I had the quintessential “old guy thinks he’s hip amongst the millennials and ends up having to explaine his joke” moment today. I went to a dispensary today to buy a couple of cartridges. There were three employees that I could see working there, two young ladies and a guy who I thought at least looked a little older. They were all wearing lanyards with a bunch of little pins and buttons on them … I’m sure you can see where this is going.

“So how many pieces of flair do they make you wear? Hardee-har-har.”
“Pieces of what?”
“Flair. You know, flair,” I add, pointing at her pins.
“You mean my lanyard?”
“No. The pins … the flair … the … you haven’t seen Office Space have you?”
“What’s that?”

I step into the middle of the room and ask loudly, “Has anyone in this building seen Office Space?”

The other girl said something like, “this isn’t office space, it’s a store.”

I thought I was going to have to burn the place down. I explained the movie and the joke as best I could in about three sentences and they gave me a polite chuckle, but I may as well have been wearing bermuda shorts, a weave belt and socks & sandals.

I got to the clinic. Tried on the lens. IT FITS! AND I CAN SEE!!! Embarrassed to adm;I got teary=eeyed, but so did Melissa. She loaded me up with free solution. It was a blissful trip home. I walked about 9 miles today and was exhausted when I got home, plus I still had cookies to make and spaghetti sauce to finish, so I skipped the gym. I was wioed after the first two miles. Not sure why–possibly too much sunshine. Two more batches of cookies to go, plus sketti sauce to finish and kitchen to clean. Cleaning friend arrives at 9 a.m. I’m tiiiiired.

@Jack_Batty, please don’t tell Bob I’m such a derp, but I’ve never seen Office Space. Also, the one time I entered a dispensary, the sole customer was an older guy wearing Dockers, a web belt, socks, and sandals. Plus a woman once told me Wednesday (I think) was Senior Citizens Day at weed shops, and you could get a contact high walking the halls at her mom’s independent living facility. Cannabis…it’s not just for kids any more.



We’ve used Discount Tires for over 20 years. Their tires perform as expected and we have never paid to have a tire fixed, even that time I had a new car with tires they had never seen. I got a flat, they cheerfully fixed it with no charge. They won’t take tips either.

I don’t make jokes with anyone who looks twenty years younger than me. I hate that polite chuckle.

Once I saw a young man with the most wonderous hair (short cut with leopard spots, it looked like fur) and complimented him. The next time I saw him, he had shaved his head.

I don’t comment on their appearance anymore either.

nellie I am SO happy for you! Hurray, killing them with kindness worked yet again :slight_smile:

Why does it not feel like Monday?

Yay for the end of of bedrest. Boo on a sick Beamer. And…no…bacon? :open_mouth:


Side Meier’s game “Pirates!” is long overdue for another version.

Just… don’t? On behalf of everyone, dispensary or otherwise, who works customer service … if it’s a “har-dee-har” situation, please, I’m begging you … don’t. We’ve heard your “joke” a hozillion times, we’ve had to make pretty laughs (and that goes triple for women) and it just clogs up our service line while making us cringe.

Also … millennials? Are taking their kids on college tours.

You may be thinking of Gen Z or younger.