Shiver Me Timbers! A Pirate MMP

@GuanoLad: I’ve been in over my head a time or two at jobs over the decades. It sucketh mightily. In my current line of work we see people who are more confident than capable vs. those who are more capable than confident. Here’s a lesson from that experience.

If you are more capable than confident, work on confidence. Which can be hard if you’ve got a generalized anxiety disorder, but you may be amenable to CBT-style interventions. They totally do work, given an honest deep-seated desire for them to do so.

If you are more confident than capable, and you still are incapable in your eyes or your supervisors’ eyes, then it needs a job change ASAP, and anything else is a waste of time / effort.

Start by figuring out dispassionately what’s what so you truly know the problem that truly needs solving. Only you can do that; us out here are limited to wishing you good luck in your battles.

Well, my first day jury duty sucketh greatly. A real Pirate would fire a broadside at the courthouse and leave it at that.

I sat doing nothing from 7am to noon, then went out & bought a fine meal. So far so good, albeit rather boring. Got lots of 'Doping accopmplished. Then after we got back from lunch, I got called into a courtroom for the first cut of voir dire to a nasty case. ~120 potential jurors to pick 15 kind of nasty. Ouch!

I made the first cut for the jsry and gotta go back tomorrow to either be selected for the jury or be pushed off. Meanwhile wife is packing stuff and the movers arrive in a couple days. She’s stressed, I’m stressed, and work wished I’d be available to work Wihile I want to be home to work on our move. Fortunately, work is big enough that jury duty is just another cost of doing business. I heard lots of horror stories today from other jurors about lost wages or asshole bosses or …; thank goodness I don’t have those problems. Just missed opportunities for overtime work at overtime wages.

Attitudinally I don’t mind jury duty in the abstract; I was married to a lawyer / judge for 30+ years and well understand the importance of doing the process right. But this particular couple of weeks when I’m in the throes of moving out of the county, managing the move-in process at the new place, prepping my old residence for sale, and will be missing X days of stupidly lucrative overtime is about the trifecta of bad timing to be a juror.


Waaah! indeed.

On the other hand I can’t think of anyone else I’d would more want to be involved in deliberating justice.

Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. Off to heave.

Me: “Can we just hang 'em, so I can go back to making beer money?”
Prosecutor: “Uhhhh… this is a civil case.”
Defense: “Motion to dismiss juror.”

MIL absolutely refused to consider such an option, and Ocala being a big retiree area, such services would have been easily available. Have I mentioned she’s somewhat stubborn? :wink:

When I was in college, a fellow Aero major and I used to get together to study, but inevitably, we ended up solving all the world’s problems, to no avail, since we, also, were ignored. ♫ When will they ever learn???♫

Thanks for the link. I talked to FCD about this last night, and he has no problem with making arrangements for his brother - he knows better than I how he can be. And for now, the living situation will be that BIL will live with his folks. We’re tasked with finding them a 2BR apartment. BIL will get their car and he’ll be able to drive them when he’s not working. We and our daughter/SIL will be available, too. So a short-term win, giving us some breathing room for future planning.

OMG!! I think my head just asploded!!! Kids these days…

:confetti_ball: :fireworks: :confetti_ball: :fireworks: :confetti_ball: :fireworks:

Woke a bit after 3, dammit. Maybe I need to force myself to stay up later, but it’s tough. I went to bed to read, and kept falling asleep, so I have no idea what I read. But after about 6 hours, my brain/body/inner jerk decided that I’d slept enough.

I’ll have Tobias today - first time in a week. Last time was not fun… But it’s supposed to be a really nice day, so I can take the kids to the playground for a little while before returning them to their mother. That pretty much sums up my day.

As I mentioned above, FCD will be in search of a nice 2BR place for his folks and bro. He’s no longer considering just over-60 complexes, and there appear to be several readily available units not to far away in decent neighborhoods. He’ll be checking them out while I wrangle the babby. We could well have them all settled here before Thanksgiving, so fingers crossed!

I know I’m the one who will have to drive my in-laws here from Ocala, and I realized last night that it’ll have to be a 2-day trek because I can’t safely drive after dark, and we won’t have 14 hours of daylight once we have to move. The other thing I need to work out is what rest stops have family restrooms so MIL can take FIL. FCD took care of that when we made the treks, but he’ll be otherwise occupied. Anyway, that will further slow the trip. Two freekin’ days in the car with them. Maybe I’ll slip some melatonin in their breakfast.

OK, enough whining. Onward! Happy Tuesday!!

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 64 Amurrkin out and clear with a predicted high of 92 and N.O.S. for the day. Summer has decided it is not finished yet as we have mid to high 90s temps over the next three days. Hopefully Fall will decide to make its annual three day visit soon after that. I shall do some more tree trimmin’ this mornin’ and haul off the trimmin’s. This will be followed by high sloth, nappage, and general overall uselessness. We shall swipe The General’s sup from the takeout Chinese place down the road.

Nellie yay for the new contact lens! So glad you can see better now.

MOOOOOOM I agree with the idea of contactin’ the area agency on agin’ to discuss down the road options available for your BIL. Since taxpayer dollars fund those services, they are available to all who need them. At his age, BIL definitely qualifies.

And now this…

This is belated bein’ as I was a Mumper slacker yestiddy. However…



Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, onward into the day! Rah,

Happy Tuesday Y’all!

Good morning everyone.

It’s currently 48 degrees with an expected high of 80 degrees and sunny skies. It appears that summer is trying to have a last gasp here too.

Happy belated birthday, nellie and a big hurrah and much confetti to the arrival of the lens. I am so happy that it works correctly!

I had to go to the office yesterday and it work was irksome. However, I opted to use up two hours of admin time that I had been given for Labor Day, so I got out of the office at 1:30. I picked up Polar’s Rymadil and then came the rest of the way home. I was going to shop for some new bedding but thought better of it since my laptop was in the Jeep and leaving stuff like that in a vehicle while shopping is not a good thing.

It sounds like things are moving along, as much as can be expected with the folks, FCM. I’m glad the MiL has accepted reality. I wish my mother would get some home health workers to come in and check on her, and help run errands, but she’ll never allow it and she’d probably drive them all insane so they’d quit.

I only have one more office day this week and I’ve already made plans to meet my son for lunch since he lives down that way and then burn up some travel comp time. So, I’ll be cutting that in-office day short too. Yesterday, all my award checks hit. Plus I was given a time off award, which cracks me up because I have a tough time burning my leave as it is, but I am grateful. I am grateful for the awards. Still, I am ready to move on. This weekend I was turning over a conversation in my head, and the more I thought about it, the more irritated I became. That’s not a good sign, so I am now looking in earnest for something different. There’s much more, but I’m not going whinge on about it here.

Time for some more coffee. I’ve had little to no sleep for last several nights, so I’m running on caffeine and not much else.

Is that what the kids are calling it these days?

Morning all. Geez, miss one evening on the MMP and you’re so far behind it takes forever to catch up. Not much on the agenda for today, mowage is planned for tomorrow, but the temperature is heading back to 90F again, so sloth is not a bad option.

Nellie, I am overjoyed the contacts work so well. May they serve you long and faithfully. And a happy, albeit belated, birthday.

Bats, I’ve never seen Office Space either and I’m probably older than you…but I trust the joke was funny.

Taters, I was the same way with leave time, I’d get to the last 3-4 months of the year and I’d still have 3 weeks to use or lose. Probably was a PITA to my supervisors, but we always worked it out. And hope moving on is too a new and better position.

Or knockout drops…

Pilot (what is LSL’s guy’s MMP name anyway?), never have been on jury duty (don’t know why, I sit around a lot anyways these days) and hope that they don’t pick you this time, sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now.

Flyboy, I got my tires at Discount Tires too, they had good service and fair prices, I don’t think $75/ea tires are going to last that long. Good luck anyway.

lucky, hope the muscles feel better today. Haven’t worshiped there in a long time, but it’s never fun. Take care.

JtC, you need to go to the most expensive greenhouse in town with his credit card to replace the roses…

OK, yeas, boos, cheers and hugs to anyone I’ve missed, need to forage for sustenance now. All y’all take care.

Get your mind out of the gutter! :stuck_out_tongue: He was married, and even if he wasn’t, well, < shudder> just nope.

You need to. Seriously. Find it and watch it. I have spoken!

Just got the Tobester to sleep. He had a short night, so I’m hoping for a longer nap. And I’ll be bringing Roxy back here after school and making supper for everyone - Daughter has a long day ahead of her. Meatloaf is thawing. Sides will be broccoli, carrots, and crescent rolls.

So now I have some quiet time. Yay.

Having enough already for rent, plus (“whaaat!”) another paycheck coming today, I did a thing yesterday: I went on Amazon.

Got new pants for work (with pockets!! Ye gods I hope they fit) some black Aida fabric for playing with string (I’ve never done cross-stitch on black fabric before, my brain is already hopping with ideas) plus some stainless studs to replace the cheap-o crap earrings currently residing in my ears.

You know she’s either already on her way, or researching another kitten.


Don’t forget to hand in your TPS reports.

I started working on my will this morning. I did it online via but didn’t get it notarized in time. I have since discovered that Illinois does not require will to be notarized so I’m just typing it into Word and once printed will have friends witness. Trust me, I have no assets so the will is about 1 page.

I am so happy for you! What a long road, but I’m glad you’ve arrived. :grin: Second and also, see Office Space. It’s a beautiful movie. 10/10. Would recommend.

:birthday: :partying_face:Happy Birthday!! :partying_face: :birthday:

Metal Mouse I’m trying to decide if you would enjoy Office Space. It’s something that anyone who’s had to deal with bureaucracies and administrative bs might enjoy, but it also has youthful hijinks and a criminal caper. I find it cathartic. I still have nightmares about my old job.

shoe how goes the new job? It seems much less stressful than the old one.

To be fair, as an eccentric hair wearer myself, a style like that would grow out very quickly, and isn’t really something you can touchup. A shave or a complete re-color was always coming soon. I say - compliment! If they can’t take a, eh, you get it.

Ha! As if. BLT = bend lift twist

Why not both? :wink: JtC what about a rag doll cat? They look very sweet.

Day 1 of trying to be more active without exercising or BLT. I’m not sure what exactly constitutes exercise in the restrictions. I guess I should ask…

Beamer headed off to school today, denying he was sick. Yesterday was a migraine, apparently. We’ll see what happens. I might have to go get him or he might be fine. :woman_shrugging:t3:

It’s still cloudy and it looks like another band of this storm is moving in. We had lots of thunderboomers yesterday, which was fun since I’m not as freaked out about tornadoes here in CA. I’m hoping for some more rain. :umbrella:

Happy Tuesday and Take Care everyone.

Whenever I need to use the (community) stapler at work and it’s near someone else’s work station, I always say “I believe you have my stapler” in my best Milton voice. No one ever gets it, but I still do it. They all think I’m weird already anyway.

None of yesterday’s predicted rain showed up. Not even clouds. With Mrs W out of town, it was close to 80 degrees in the house when I got home (We don’t leave windows open when nobody’s home, for various reasons), and even after I opened everything up, it only went down a couple degrees by bedtime. Today I’ll leave some fans running; not sure how much that will help though. I look forward to having air conditioning!

Nellie, great news on the lens! You take care of that thing; I have a feeling it’s going to need to last a while. Maybe you could work on getting a spare or two?

Everyone else, yays, boos, hugs, trouts, and whatnot all around. As usual I’m way behind here. Happy Twosday, all!

Me either. I watched a few minutes of one episode back in the day and said “Hey! That’s my life!”, turned it off and never went back.

Happy Belated Birthday, Nellie! Glad you can see now!

I’m sitting here waiting for the contractor to come back to finish the trim on our new doors. He had some stuff in his shop at home we decided he could use to finish that he’s giving us for free. I like this guy. He’s a little slap-dash, but he gets the job done okay. He had something out of plumb a tiny bit yesterday and I said *“That doesn’t look quite right.” (it wasn’t) and he redid it with no arguments and no complaints.

Yays, hugs, boos, etc and Happy Twosday everybody.


Just looked it up. Had no idea that the Jennifer Anniston movie is called „Office Space“, so I have seen it, but only remember the flair.

Still need to catch up, but it‘s time to go to the UW book store.

If JtC gets a Ragdoll, I will be pea green with envy and may resort to catnapping. Ursala Kitteh has made it clear she will be the only cat in this here household.

End the chaos, kill the butterflies - Unknown
So Plan A was Me on the 200, WB in HazMat, and Deb in Smalls. Then WB was supposed be at 200, me in Smalls, and Deb in HazMat. Then management said “fuck it”, and went back to Plan A. :thinking: I need a pedometer, so I can know how much mileage to deduct on my taxes.

Oh thank God. I almost lost the will to live in sympathy.

Uh…how long have you known us?"

:birthday: :partying_face: :clinking_glasses:HAPPYbelatedBIRTHDAY, NELLIE :clinking_glasses: :partying_face: :birthday:

You might be thinking of “The Office.”
“Office Space” is a movie, and it’s great.

Allie tried that, but Buddy had other ideas and managed to persuade the humans that he was correct. :slight_smile:

Won’t be treadmilling today after all. Got plenty of cardio walking over to Kaiser for a scheduled blood pressure check, then over to a satellite building across the street from them for a flu shot (not looking forward to being sick for a few days, but given DH’s health picture, including his immune system seemingly still being weakened from his injury/convalescence period, it seemed called for).

On the way home from the shot, stopped at Big Lots to get a replacement for the rewards card I lost a few days ago. Then discovered my wallet was missing. Back over to the flu shot facility, which was where I had the most recent solid memory of having it in my hands. Nope. OK, back to Big Lots. I had sat down for a few minutes on a display sofa waiting for lines to calm down. Apparently, it was at this point that the wallet slipped out of my purse. Thankfully (especially for this neighborhood), someone honest found it and handed it in, so I got it back intact. I’m sure the adrenaline did my blood pressure VAST amounts of good. :slight_smile:

Am now home to have my flu shot side effects in relative peace. Cats are apparently napping, DH is at work. Expected deliveries today include some new sneakers, some Sqwincher for DH, and a new tablet. My current one seems to have hardware issues with both the charge port and the SD card slot, so won’t be buying the Walmart one again, I don’t think. New toy OnTrac will be bringing me is a Samsung with a lot more built-in storage.