
Is Shodan the one who thinks The Band sang off-key? Or was that duffer or Brutus or Starving Artist? I tend to mix all those guys up.

If it’s him, then I pit him, too!

I’m sure Pinky sees The Brain in the same illustrious light…

No, no, no, you’re thinking of Shodan, the Flying Monster, big ass pterodactyl kinda critter, ate giant grubs.

If we were able to “see” another person’s motives, maybe we would find that Shodan is just projecting when he finds that DtC doesn’t give “a shit about the integrity of our democracy” and that he will care about accuracy only if Kerry loses.

But I can’t know Shodan’s motives anymore than he can know DtC’s.

Maybe his is just a poor judge of character. Maybe he wants his candidate to win no matter what. Maybe he thinks things will go smoothly no matter who wins. Maybe his mother was frightened by a Kennedy.

You really must try to develop a little discernment. We’re not all the same just because we share a political ideology, you know. As for, I didn’t make the comment about The Band. Short of a hit or two thirty some odd years ago, I haven’t given them a moment’s thought. Steely Dan and smooth jazz (and believe it or not, a lot of hip-hop) are more my speed.

elicudator, I’m getting sick and tired of this! You’re actually making me laugh out loud, and when it happens late at night it disturbs the whole household. Knock it off and just act like all the other humorless liberals around here, will ya?


This is nothing more than a transparent assertion of having a poster on your ‘ignore’ list, lissener. You will not attempt anything of the sort again.

Pit mod

Did someone post after Starving Artist?
It seems so, but I can’t tell, having the mods on ignore…
I am kidding. TVeblen is a nice person with a sense of humor

Yeah, I know…and I DO try to tell you apart, I do, I do. But as your posts fly by on my screen they just get so blurry.

No problem, I’m glad to be included among such an august group.

(But you really should try to slow us down instead of letting us whiz by. We have lots of good things to say and we’re rarely wrong.)
I keed, I keed…you know I keed. :smiley:

Send in…the clones
There must be…clones…

This is the most bizarre rule of all the bizarre rules on this board. Might spawn a flame war? What the fuck ever. Better initiate a BBQ pit then, just in case.

At least it gives TV an excuse to indulge his lissener allergy.

I should also point out that our numbers are growing by the, uh, month! Why when I first came on here nine months ago, there were only about three of us. Now just 9 months later, our numbers have swelled to seven or eight. Indeed, we are a force to be reckoned with!

Yeah, the Snore Force.

Well, you’re not much fun!


:: Ahem ::

Our esteemed TVeblen is of the female persuasion.

One hot babe, in fact. Picture Xenia, Warrior Princess, with a black-leather-bound, spiked keyboard.

May the Force Be with Somebody Else

Sorry about the “putz,” I was trying out smilies and hit enter prematurely.

much like your dates, eh?

She was only a banker’s daughter, but there was a substantial penalty for early withdrawal.