
Like those anti-Kerry attack ads, all this means is Karl Rove’s getting more desperate.

Uh….rjung? Are you reading my posts at least somewhat carefully? I was talking about the increase in the number of conservative posters to this board. I have had no contact with Karl Rove.

Oh! So you are willing to swear you never once saw Pinky and the Brain?

So all of a sudden we all believe the same things. We’re all 4 marching lock-step? There are plenty of things I’ve posted where the other 3 you mentioned must have thought “shut the fuck up, duffer, you’re not helping.” Don’t pin my idiocy on them.

I expected better from you, Ike.

No, more likely I thought “They’ve got us surrounded, the poor bastards!”

With two of us in the same thread, they don’t have a chance. :smiley:

Does anyone else think it’s a bit like shadow boxing when all these old-timers call each other names? Reminds me of grannies assaulting each other with handbags at dawn and then sitting down together to breakfast at a diner.

If you ever find my ass up at dawn it’s because I haven’t been to bed yet.

And besides, how could a whipper-snapper like you even know about Roger Thornhill?

Guess it depends on how much I’ve had to drink. Pretty sloshed now so I’ll refrain from adding to the lefties arsenal. :smiley:

Only got a minute before I am off to pick up the Lovely and Talented Mrs. Shodan and the Shodan-ettes for vacation, but I thought I would pop in and see what’s developed.

I seem to have been accused of blind partisanship and the desire to see my candidate win regardless of the legitimacy or otherwise of the vote.

I’m wondering if any of my accusers ever started a thread like this one about the 2000 Presidential elections. Note the date. :wink:

And Ukelele Ike, I would never say anything as offensive as that about the Band. My vintage copy of the soundtrack from The Last Waltz would come to life and hurt me.

Have fun while I’m gone, y’all.


Smooth jazz? Yeah, figures . . .

We are supposed to be marching goose-step, but it appears someone hasn’t recieved the latest memo…

But what about Steely Dan and hip hop?

And oh, yeah…Paul Hardcastle kicks ass!

I’m always the last to know. :smack:

Damn! Maybe it was Sam Stone. Profound apologies to all you right-wingers, running-dog imperialists, and Social Darwinists who keep Music from Big Pink on your gramophones.

Duffer and elucidator always hog th’ maple syrup.

Okay, now you’ve gone too far. Attack my politics, kick my dog, whatever… But now you’re impugning my love of The Band. It’s pistols at dawn, sir. Good Canadian boys, mostly. Great music. I have The Last Waltz on album, CD, and the concert on DVD. When other little kids were listening to Sesame Street, I was listing to Music from Big Pink.

So take the load off me, or you’ll be up Cripple Creek!

Yes sir. I will kick your dog.

You’ll pull back a bloody stump.

Aw heck, I’ll just shoot the son-o-a-bitch then.

She’s already been threatened. It didn’t work.

(yes, that’s my dog)