shoes on or shoes off?

Shoes off in the house, but warm wool-lined slippers on, summer or winter. Sooooo comfy. They were $50 but worth every penny.

It gets cold here, and I don’t like having cold feet; even in summer, nights can get down into the 40sF. I loves me my warm slippers.

Shoes off within 10 seconds of getting home, always. We have rugs, but not carpets.


I take my shoes off when I get home and if it’s cold, I’ll put on some house socks (the big fuzzy kind). I take the socks off when I go to bed. I keep a pair of slip on’s by the back door for doggie potty trips. I stayed barefoot as a kid pretty much all the time in the summer until the year I stepped on a bee. I had a really bad blistering reaction that resulted in blood poisoning. I’ve worn shoes outside ever since.

Shoes in the kitchen, barefoot elsewhere.

My toes are quite long and fairly dexterous - for toes, anyway - and I often use them to pick up objects from the floor. Wearing socks and shoes is sort of like wearing boxing gloves.

It seems to be a regional thing here but in the part of Alaska were I am from it is standard to take your shoes off when entering a home or even a messy cabin. Guests auto take off the shoes no matter what, even parties and gatherings. And through all seasons.

I’m sort of weird, I guess, but I like wearing shoes. I wear them pretty much everywhere except bed.

I was actually considering making the same poll… I figured it would be slanted but not this much. I really am in the minority.

I voted “shoes off plus carpet,” because it’s what I default to when I’m at home or at a stranger’s house. There’s no hard and fast rule in my family, but generally they all take 'em off too. I’ve noticed that “shoes off in the house” is sort of a Minnesota thing…my brother-in-law, who lived in Pennsylvania, got mighty confused when he saw a pile of our shoes by his front door. :smiley:

We’re both Asian. Shoes come off at the door. Carpets through most of the house.

Shoes off – socks and slippers on in the winter, just slippers on in the summer. (I HAVE to have my slippers – do they count as shoes?)

Uh, well, the kitchen and the dining room are laminated, and the rest of the house is carpeted. So I don’t know how to vote.

So how did you vote, and why?

We tend to have our shoes off, but it’s not a rule, guests are welcome to leave them on. I think it’s as much because we live in a hot climate and it’s just nicer to have some air flow around the feet.

Off. I hate shoes. I always feel so clumsy with them on. And I use my feet for much more than just walking. Open doors, pick up objects on the floor, pet the dogs if I don’t want to get my hands dirty, etc.

I’ve never been to someone’s house where leaving your shoes on was common anyway. I suspect it’s a regional thing.

Shoes off, sometimes if the floors are cold we have fuzzy slippers, if not cold, no slippers. Some floor area is carpeted and some is not.

And my sinuses are plugged up, so ca I just breath through my mouth? Otherwise I might turn blue and pass out …:frowning:

why would the genetically designed/evolved for condition of bare feet cause planar faschitis? We do not pop out of the womb in shoes…

Podiatrist always seem to go to “you MUST wear shoes!!!” and “you MUST buy my expensive shoe inserts!!!”

I go barefoot whenever and wherever feasible. There is no way that I am wearing shoes, slippers, socks, or anything on my feet in my own home! Ugh! I detest shoes. As someone mentioned, it’s like wearing boxing gloves on your hands all the time.

That said - I am also a very strong believer in protective footwear for harsh environments or where the ground is strewn with potentially hazardous debris.

i think footwear is to give you proper support when you have problems in the first place. i dunno, personally i don’t stand around much at home…

up to you! maybe option 6 for house wear? i have slippers too but i usually don’t wear them, so i chose option 5.

Ah ah! Remember deal! No questions! Shoes on, shoes off. Breathe in through nose, out the mouth. Shoes on, shoes off. Don’t forget to breathe, very important.
i must say i am surprised at the results so far - only 20 out of 131 for wearing shoes in the house. you’d think it would be different based on past threads before we got anonymous polling.

Two little old ladies at my quilting group were debating this very issue one day, and one turned to the other and said, “If you wear shoes in the house, how will you know where you’ve spilled the sugar?”

How did I vote? “Shoes on the floor only”. Why? Because it’s the truth. :slight_smile:

I do a lot of walking through the house, doing chores and housework. I also stand around the kitchen a lot when I’m cooking. Don’t most people do a lot of walking and standing when doing things like that?

I also have a physical problem with going without shoes. If I don’t wear shoes with a cushioned sole, then my feet start hurting. If I continue to stand like that for hours, the pain slowly rises from my feet, up to my knees … if I stand too long, it eventually gets into my hips. Then I’m aching so badly that I can’t sleep at night.

I can see if you have a problem doing something about it, but for those of us who don’t have a problem with our feet (or at least not one aggravated by standing/walking around barefoot) may not care to have the lower extremities continually cooped up.