Shopping Rage !!!

Forget Road Rage. I have shoppers rage. What is with those people!! You know the ones I’m talking about…They’re at the malls and grocery stores and they feel it is necessary to take the time to have their annual family meetings. Take heed!!! I am going to crash your little party one of these days.

 Hey and what about the people that need to stand directly in front of the items that they are pricing.....Did you not notice the full parking lot when you pulled in?  Are you that blind, or just that ignorant?  

All beware!! It is…HOCKEY SHOPPING…Body checking is fully acceptable.

My (at work) local grocery shop is also a complete disaster to shop in.

It seems to have a rent-a-gran programme in operation all day, where they stand around blocking all the aisles just looking at the shelves.
You would think that after 50 years of shopping they would know exactly where the fuck they were going and what they wanted to buy.

I only get a half hour for lunch and it usually takes me maybe 15 minutes to pick up three items due to the aisles being blocked with nattering old bitties randomly careering about, seemingly deliberatley getting in my way. (Maybe thet hockey thing would work…Mmmmm)

Lunch time generally ends up being more stressful than work!

Gah. You mean they have the audacity not to realize that you’ve appeared on the scene? Your inability to say “excuse me” and figure out how to get by them coupled with your urgent need for soup noodles certainly outweighs their life-experience and precious few moments with friends. Why don’t you just shoot them?

Think that would work? The shooting thing? Might still have to step over their bodies.
Maybe the threat of shooting them would get them to move…Mmmm :wink:

I have tried saying “Excuse me…”, or “can I please get past…” many, many times…but it seems their hearing aids are disfunctional inside shops too. So its not really an option.

I challenge you to try to do your shopping in this particular store, and keep your cool. It is NOT like any other store I have ever been in.

Yeah, Libertarian, what an insensive clod. He should realize that this is the only socialization they get! And that malls and grocery stores weren’t designed for shopping! They were designed so that people would have a place to chat. After all, where else are they going to get time to talk to their friends in front of a soup display? Soup displays aren’t exactly on every street corner, you know. And when they stop their cars in front of you in the middle of the freeway to chat, I hope you are as understanding, and “figure out a way to go around them.”

Libertarian…Wow, shooting them? You know I wouldn’t have thought to go that far.

Some people might be at the grocery store to…I don’t know…buy groceries. How rude of myself, or others, to interupt and disturb those who are there to interact, make contacts, and collect phone numbers.

I have changed my opinion entirely, thank you for the enlightenment. Next time I’ll just join in and maybe see if I can get invited to their next Tupperware party.

I’ll just get my groceries there then.


It makes me ever so sad to see people want to waste energy body checking, or even shooting people!

My solution is much more humane, gratifying, and fun! Simply go to this great place and order yourself a fully functional device that will be great for moving the old biddies out of your way! Available in red, green, and blue!

Oh my! I know what I want for Giftmas this year!!!